Hi, I have been so unwell had the sweats so third coming down ill all the time. So I had some test done the doctors said was all fine. But I got a print out and my TSH level was 4.79 the range is (0.27-4.2) T4 was ok at 13.6 but my basophils count is above range and so is Eosinophil. I always have iron problems but levels are ok as I take three iron a day. So should I question theses results?
My doctors say my test results are fine but... - Thyroid UK
My doctors say my test results are fine but...

Yes. Your TSH is above the normal range. Are you diagnosed hypothyroid? Are you on any thyroid medication?
Generally, if you have no symptoms, treatment isn't recommended (by the BTA guidelines) until TSH goes above 10. However, if TSH is above the reference range but below 10 and the patient has symptoms, a trial of levothyroxine can be given. If it were me, I would be asking for a trial of levothyroxine. After being in and out of hospital for several years with results similar to yours, I really wish I had know as much as I do now.
If you are already diagnosed, professor Toft (responsible for the current thyroid treatment guidelines) suggests that many people will need their TSH in the bottom part of the range (below 0.5) and T4 at near the top of the range in his guidance to GPs in their Pulse journal. You may feel well before you get anywhere near 0.5 or you may need to go below. It is an individual thing. My TSH has to be below range to feel well but another of our admins needs their TSH above 1 to feel well. You are unlikely to feel well with a TSH as high as yours though, although I'm sure there are a minority of people who do.
You white cells may be high because of your thyroid but it could also be something else.
Carolyn x
Hi, thank you for your response. I have had so many of the symptoms tiredness, cold sweats, shortness of breath, cold, ankle has swollen loss of hair. But I have not been diagnosed, I am going to ring doctors and question it. Oh and I've been complaint of dizziness which is effecting my work. I know so many people are going through similar things with their doctors.
Apparently hypothyroidism can cause raised basophil count (diagnose-me.com/what-causes... and it certainly can cause all the other symptoms you've listed, especially hair loss. Why won't your doctor treat you if you have the symptoms. Go back and ask him/her two things. One - what harm can it do to try some thyroxine and see if it helps. (I totally lost it with my doctor to get treatment, which he gave me to shut me up). Two - if he/she refuses, ask them to put in writing why they think your symptoms are not due to your thyroid and why they will not try treatment. I'll bet they wont do that and will give in and treat you.
Hi, thanks for your replys. I have rang the doctors and have an apoitment on wednsday. What makes me so mad is that iv been complaining of been so ill and the doctors just say well your bloods are fine you will be fine. But iv had so much time of work that if im off two more times they will let me go. Wish doctors would take what paients say more serious. Sorry im in a ranting mood today lol!