I have recently (1 week ago today) been put on 60 mg prednisilone for vascular inflammation at the back of my eyes (unresponsive pupils and DS DNA positive antibodies). The reaction has been horrendous. Agression and Psychotic behaviour and the potential to be locked up if someone is not with me 24/7. I have reduced the steroids to 35 mg meantime to see if that helps and have been put on chlorpromazine to calm me down!!. Does anyone know how steroids would act if I already had an undiagnosed adrenal problem?
I am so grateful for the NHS and the amount of consultants I am attending to investigate my symptoms. Without exception, every single one of the disciplines says I am not thyroid/adrenal because 1) my TSH is normal at 2.1 and 2) I am a thinnish lady and cannot possibly be hypothyroid (I have lost over 1 stone in less than 6 weeks). So the fatigue, insominia, low BRM, slow pulse, strong family history, thryoid nodule have no weight against the above 2 clinical features. Does anyone have any suggestions because this is impossible.