I've had under active thyroid for twelve years and now taking 100mg of levothyroxine. Nobody ever told me how to take this, apart from telling me not to take it together with Calcium. I've only become educated in this since finding this wonderful and helpful site...many thanks to you all. Been feeling really bad last few months, extreme tiredness and stiffness, insomnia, occasional headaches and constipation...generally feeling 100 years old. With much force I've got a letter of referral to see Dr S in Birmingham, GP told me it was 'quite fashionable to do this' and did I have any problems in my life...yes only with my GP. Wasn't at all keen to do this but conceded, having not slept for three days I was in a very nasty mood.
It is now almost 6 weeks since changing the way in which I take my medication, empty stomach before and after. I'm actually beginning to feel better and although I couldn't run a marathon, my stiffness is so much better. Does anyone think I should carry on with my new way of taking thyroxine and perhaps delay my visit to Dr S for a while, not sure what to do now...any advice please.