I was wondering if anybody else is taking there medication in this manner. Because i am sensative to the capsule that my NDT is made up with, the Pharmacy suggested that i empty the contents of the capsule into my mouth and swallow with a small amount of water. I am sensitive to Cello which is used in the capsule. Was wondering if this was okay as I have been doing it this way now for ten days and not feeling any better yet. I was put on 100mg, ( 1 grain ) to start with but i was told on here that this was a high amount to start with so am only taking 3/4 of the capsule.
I didn't take it to-day as i have been feeling rather upset in the stomach, and unable to eat with no appetite. I had a small meal today and am actually feeling better than when i took it yesterday. I have tried every variation on the market for my Hypothyroid prob, but am not able to tolerate any. Hope this is not going to be the case again now with this one.
Can anybody help ,me. Thank you x