Hi there, I'm a hypothyroid sufferer and on 50mcg of T4 per day.
On Saturday it was raining very hard and my partner and I went into town. I thought because it had been spitting rain on and off I would be ok. For some reason I started to get very irritable and confused when we'd been out in the rain for about five minutes. I also started to shiver quite badly, which is weird as it wasn't cold that day. So we got into the warm and I seemed to go back to normal. I know my temperature's always been very low - it's not as low as it has been, where it's been at 34c, and I've started my increased dose of T4 on that Saturday as directed by my doctor so I'm not sure what's going on or if it's anything at all! I've been tracking my temperature since the 5th June and it's fluctuated like mad, ranging from 35.2c to 36.1c! Could this be some sort of hypothermia and should my doctor know about this? Whenever I go for a check-up to a walk-in centre or surgery they use an ear thermometer and before coming in to see anyone I'd been walking so no wonder my temperature would've been in the more normal ranges! At present I use a normal mouth thermometer but take readings in my underarm first thing in the morning.
Also I had a shower yesterday (I like my hot showers!) and as soon as I got in and turned it up to the temperature I like and my fingers turned white. I know that with Raynaud's fingers and toes technically go white in the cold which was what threw me. Is this still Raynaud's? I
Thanks for any help xx