I had high hopes and was looking for answers and treatment quickly after nearly 4 yrs of getting nowhere and getting worse week by week.
SYMPTOMS- moonface, mega tummy weight gain(like I am 9mnths!)- suicidal feelings one minute, high the next, legs and feet do not work, dry eyes and dry mouth and throat, eyes feel strange- that is all I can explain it as, spots- that do not heal, hair on my face, dark patches of skin pigmentation on my neck. I had a mega sore throat at Easter- the yellow spots are still on my throat- with no pain. Normal Thyroid results via the GP but indicated on the high side of normal ft3 and high side of ft4. Adrenal saliva was MEGA MEGA high at night 22.3!- suggesting Cushings and pointed out my symptoms fell in place with this. Adrenal saliva was normal in the day result. Dr C referred me back to my GP for 24hr urine and 9am cortisol- as in 2010 it was 255, 6mnths later 305 and 2011 was 425- so he highlighted that it was increasing....but guess what- this time... lower and normal 343! WHAT is going on?- tearing my hair out here.