Dear all,
Just got back to take my blood tests results.
For those who don't know what happened in the past, let's say I got very angry with my Gp as I felt that something wasn't working and I didn't feel ok with levo (100-125 mg everyday) and I wanted so badly to try armour, so I asked for a referral to see and endo and my Gp refused that as she said my results were IN THE RANGE.
I gained weight and I felt always tired taking 100mg everyday so I followed the prescription of the endo I had in Italy about taking 125 (my TSH then was about 1.80).
Well this happened in February; my results now are:
TSH 0.09(0.3-4.2 mu/L)
FT4 15.4(9-23 pmol/L)
Serum free triiodothyronine level (is this ft3!?) 2.2 pmol/L (2.5-5.7)
I have to say I have been able of losing weight with a little less efforts than usually BUT I don't have a regular period (now it's been 45 days since the last one and the month before the same), and sometimes I feel palpitations.
I bet this time the stupid Gp won't be able of refusing to write me a referral!
I think levo is not working for me as maybe I'm not able to covert the t4 in t3, what you guys think?
Please help me to get a clearer view about these tests!
Thanks in advance