Can we have a poll to ask whether fodmaps have helped please? And which type of ibs people have. I'm wondering whether to try it.
Poll: Can we have a poll to ask whether fodmaps... - IBS Network

Good idea-FODMAPS hasn't worked for me but I can see the logic behind it and know it has worked for many other people so definitely worth a try if you haven't yet! I have IBS-mixed (alternating between D and C).
i have used fodmaps and its worked really well for me/ i found that white rice/bread/pasta - doesn't work for me - i think its great
Did you feel better after 2 weeks elimination?
I have been on FODMAP for 2 months and noticed a huge improvement in symptoms within days of starting it.
Keeping a food diary is essential. In the early days especially this helped me to pinpoint triggers in ingredients that I would not have known about.
You have only the IBS to loose by trying it.
Absolutely YES!!!
The only thing that has worked for me in 20+ long years of trying, and I have IBS-D...all symptoms resolved within a week of starting....immediate return of symptoms if I slip - e.g. if l have a dish with onions hidden in there!
Results - return of confidence in public places, at work, social events, yoga, on holiday - all of which caused me immense stress due to the embarrassment of running to the loo or passing wind; no pain after eating a meal; reduced need to crawl away somewhere to sleep after lunch....
I just wish it would work as well for everyone on here as I know all too well the suffering IBS can cause.
Fodmaps has partly worked for me. I'm more constipated, little less pain, less flatulence, indigestion, burping and bloating. I think a need the help of a Dietitian to do it properly as obviously it is well worth exploring more fully. Sooooooo pleased it's worked for some of you and reduced the misery of this horrible condition.
Does anybody know if I can have Marmite on Fodmaps?
Yes, Marmite is fine on FODMAPs.
Hi! I've been following a Fodmap diet since September last year after seeing an nhs dietician. It's important to get referred to a dietician. I have IBS c and have had it for 11 years. Fodmaps definitely helps. I can also recommend the nutritional supplement intestaidib which I have been using for the past two months. It was recommended by a therapist on this network and you can buy it in boots. Good luck!
Fodmaps diet didn't work for me. Although I do keep in mind the foods which tend to exacerbate my IBS-D symptoms. Definitely would recommend trying it.
I have also since started taking probiotic tablets (1 a day) and have only had 2-3 flare ups for the 2 months I have been taking them - definitely would recommend!
Hi rowantree, I think this is a great idea. I tend to lean torwards the IBS C although not constipated all the time. I find the best way to help constipation is exercise, I walk quite alot and find it's much easier to go than if I don't exercise for a couple of weeks or so. I have also cut out Broccoli, Cauliflower and Red Grapes and that has made quite a difference. I am under a dietician and am waiting to go on the FODMAPs diet so will report back once I have been on it for a couple of weeks.
Best of luck to you
FODMAPs works brilliantly for me and only took 3 days for the effects to become apparent. You have to do the diet throroughly though for maximum benefit, some people try and fiddle around with it, but it doesn't work that way. I have a couple of other triggers outside of FODMAPs, but these were easily identifiable once I'd got the diet working properly. It gives me at least 95% control over my IBS-D. Ask your GP for an appointment with a dietitian as you'll get all the proper help and info then.
Been on low Fodmaps for 6 months and it is a miracle for me. I had IBS D mostly but it also was intermittently C. I take no medication now but keep loperamide instants handy but rarely used. I would point out I also did a self hypnotherapy CD for 3 months which also had an effect prior to starting the Fodmaps.