Been diagnosed with IBS-M, doctors have been extremely rude and unhelpful, have also had a rash across my chest as another symptom, has anyone else experienced this>?
Rash across chest: Been diagnosed with IBS-M... - IBS Network
Rash across chest
I know how ur feelin bout docs up helpful ive had the same experience & have recently been told i have ibs,ive never had a rash anywhere, hope you get more help from here about ibs and you get to the bottom of the rash. Best of luck
I found I have not been able to stop scratching, but my problem is because I am taking Tramadol, I have had lots of medications started stopped and your body has to get used to them. I was on morphine once and that would make my skin red raw. I would look at any medications you have been given to take, I am not on 17 different things and I would either ask Pharmacy or look into the info sheets, or one medication could interact with another.
This has been my experience, I am scratching all the time, so I have long soaks in the bath with baby bath soak and use Hydros ointment, a water based cream that re hydrates the skin.
Something that made me very bad, when trying to help myself was Aloe vera juice, I drank it, then my body was very itchy and caused a rash, I rang the DR's and they said I had an allergic reaction to it and to take anti hystamine to stop my skin getting so bad, my mouth and tongue also swelled up.
Good Luck!
Rude yes. I stopped going figuring I'd rather die of whatever was causing my pain than go through that. Then I found a new women's medical center. All specialties in one building and my records on a new computer system that all docs can see. All docs I've seen so far are women and most look about 12 years old but they are NICE. I hope they do not have the older (yes, mine) generation's flaw of not being to say "I DON'T KNOW"! if that's the case!
Then I went to the doctors for help, he told to accept I have ibs and get over it. When I said I think certain foods trigger it he told me to ' go see the quack up the road' since giving up dairy, no alcohol and eating less gluten I have improved drastically. My symptoms had been so bad before christmas that they stopped me from leaving the house, although there's lots of hidden dairy so it's kinda hard. I developed this after having food poisoning in 2011. Have only had a blood test to rule out serious things and then the doctors since then have been awful. I feel bad going because they make it very clear that its a waste of their time. I also have ended up with ringworm like rashes across my stomach. Thank you for answering my question , I'm glad Im not alone in this because I've found it really hard
Do you get a rash on your face and/or suffer from joint pains and such? If so, have you ever been tested for lupus or rheumatoid arthritis? I'm not a medical expert in any way but I know that a chest rash can be a sign of lupus and sometimes it can be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis in the chest. Both of these are autoimmune and are linked with IBS and can be triggered. It is possible that your symptoms were triggered by the food poisoning as my symptoms have been worse since I got norovirus at 18.
I've ha a blood test, and apparently everything was normal and not celiac either, but I've massive issues with my doctors as they are so dismissive I don't want to go back. Want to change but I'm scared that I still won't be taken seriously as I'm 22 and a student. I have a throbbing pain in my lower left abdomen so I have no idea what's wrong with me but I know it's not normal
I'm 25 and when all this started I was 18 and I was so sick of being fobbed off by the 'young persons' doctors that I just demanded to see different doctors in my GP surgery until I found one that took me seriously. Once I had that GP, I got all my hospital referrals and tests. Doctors are paid to help us so I felt I should get the best service so I wouldn't take no for an answer! At the end of the day, it's YOUR health and YOU know when your body isn't right. Don't feel embarrassed or worried; it's their job! Regarding your pain, the lower left abdomen is the descending colon and a lot of different bowel problems present with pains there, especially when constipation is involved as it's where you tend to get clogged up.
You're completely right, shame the doctors don't see it the same way. As far as they are concerned I have ibs and they can't help me any further. I've been given no advice on diet, no advice on lifestyle so I'm just scouring the Internet for advice. I've given up dairy, fizzy drinks, alcohol, greatly reduced gluten. Trying to exercise and get fitter to see if that will help. I'm going to try and change surgery as I'm with the uni medical center, who dismiss you as you are a student. Don't get me wrong they are wonderful at giving prescriptions for the pill and chlamydia tests but anything healthwise they just don't seem To want to know.