Has anyone ever had colonic irrigation for the... - IBS Network
Has anyone ever had colonic irrigation for their IBS and did it help?

I've had it a few times and although it didn't bring any great benefit in the long term, I found it was helpful if I was having a particularly bad period of upset stomachs as is allowed for a complete clean slate as it were and then a week of soups seemed to settle things down.
I think it very much depends on your type of IBS. A friend has IBS-C, particularly badly and it was no use for him as with his trapped wind and very clogged up system, the water couldn't work its way through his system.
As with a lot of treatments, it's often worth a go to see if it brings any benefit to you personally!
I tried once but I am seeking someone to try again. I think it would help. I'm also interested in finding someone (here in Manhattan) to administer the ayurvedic irrigation which I understand uses oils instead of water.
Hi I've had it done and found it did help my IBS-c. It did manage to unblock things and settle my stomach down. I had it done 3 time in the space of 6 months and it kept things at bay for a few years. But just depends. Give it a try. Fingers crossed for you x
Thanks all. I may consider it. I had an exploratory colonoscopy a couple of years ago, and in preparation had to take fluids which emptied the bowels completely. I felt great for weeks afterwards, then sadly my IBS gradually returned.
I had it for the firdt time in October this year and I felt fantastic afterwars, I had 3 treatments over 8 weeks and it really helped. The therapist asked more questions and listended to me far nmore than any medical staff ever have and she recommended diet and lifestyle changes which have helped with wind and bloating. I will certainly have the treatment again maybe in 6 months time.
Hi, I've had it done about 6 times now but have given up as although it worked initially and I felt great, the last time I had it done I felt quite poorly; I didn't feel right probably for a couple of weeks.
I haven't had it done again since and don't intend to; I wasn't given any dietary advice when having it done but to be quite honest just because it doesn't work with me anymore it may work with you.
I have since seen a dietician and am waiting to go on the FODMAP diet with her advice, once her colleague has been trained.
Best of luck to you.

Thanks for your reply. DtM.