I am now on my third or fourth visit to the doctors and all i get each time is we will do blood tests never anything else.
how many times have people been to the doctors... - IBS Network
how many times have people been to the doctors asking them to make sure it is IBS and do some other tests than bloods before you gave up?

Well they should have tested for anaemia, thyroid and caeliac diseae. Also vit B deficences. After that I think a scan of your abdomen to rule out other things. In women particularly there are alot of other conditions which could aggravate the pain and bloating. Then what about a colonoscopy ? I think you have to pressre your doctor and he should be proactive especially if you are ssstill in pain.
In my case I feel because nothing is found I should be relieved. In fact that is not tha case. If something was found I could do something about it and feel there is life after all this discomfort and at times excruciating pain.
Good Luck. And if your doctor is not sympathetic or helpful change him.
i was back and for my doctors for over a year saw three different doctors and the last doctor i seen, sent for me for blood tests and he said that cos they came back clear then i did have ibs. but the medication that i was prescribed by the doctors either didnt work or i was allergic to it. thankfully i was diagnosed last month and i now know what it is, as it the not knowing that is the worst, as everyone think you are putting on the pain.
Lost count how many times I've been to the doctor. I've been hit with anxiety as a main cause, but that can't be the reason all the time for the pains I get. Been on mebeverine, Colperminn (sp?) and I'm just sticking with buscopan because I don't want to go back again. I had a colonoscopy which showed nothing, and was also tested for coeliacs but to no avail, although I find keeping off wheat every so often relieves my symptoms, but not always.
I've recently moved to a new area, so will probably try again with a new doctor I can hopefully build up some trust with. I just feel like I've been let down, especially after the colonoscopy when I was I told it was IBS, I was meant to see a dietician, but that appointment never came, and my GP was furious with the hospital, and gave me 2 sheets with what was supposed to see me through the rest of my life. I could have googled it myself!
I get IBS once a year (lasted 3 months this time). Every time I get it, I go the the Doctor but he never seems to give me anything that helps. I get scared when I get it because I always think
"maybe this time it isn't IBS but something worse like cancer.
I'm in a similar situation. I keep going back to the doctor (about 5 times now) & asking is this definitely IBS? I'm so miserable right now as I've such awful diarrhoea it's stopping me living. Waiting on more blood test results, but just going to keep pestering my doctor until I get more help I guess.
I have been to my doctors 4 times in 2 months including phoning them nearly once every week about my pains they also gave me mebeverine, Colpermin and never helped. After phoning today i have been told to try the FODmap diet for a couple of weeks.