For several years now I have a problem with very loose stools/diarrhoea mainly after evening meal. Not always though, sometimes after lunch but not as often. It was fairly infrequent to begin with but the last 2 to 3 years has been a few times a week. It's not food as I have done the diary thing and what is OK one day is not OK on the next occasion. I have had a serious amount of stress at work as well. Have just left that job after 7 years. I try and eat more veg and fruit and drink more water. Tried probiotics too. Any advice please?
Dylan1224 : For several years now I have a... - IBS Network

Does sound like IBS. Have you talked with a medical professional though? If nothing else, they may be able to assure you that it's not something else.
Hi, yes I have. I was diagnosed with Diverticular Disease as they found some pockets. I have never had any problem with that. I have had a colonoscopy and just before Christmas another stool test and full blood tests. All came back clear.
If you've not been checked out by a doctor and been diagnosed with IBS, best to make an appointment and get some tests done. IBS can't be self-diagnosed unfortunately. The tests you need are in the second box down in the diagram in the link below:
If you are diagnosed with IBS and it is stress related, you could try the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app.
General advice about your symptoms here:
I suggest you look into Bile Acid Diarrhoea (also called malabsorption). It is vastly undiagnosed.
Lack of magnesium and calcium, especially your age
Starfish, thank you but the symptoms I have do not correspond with the symptoms for lack of Magnesium.
Hi, I've had IBSD for years and similar symptoms. Especially after the eve meal. Bad stomach cramps, diarrhoea, lying on the couch with the shakes. I have a few suggestions.
I ate my eve meal sat on the sofa watching tv. I've wondered whether it was partly bad posture, slumped. The size of the meal, the largest portion sizes of the day. And also the speed of eating because not really concentrating on chewing each mouthful properly. My head was half expecting a stomach problem so perhaps my head talked my stomach into a reaction. Like you I came to the conclusion that it probably wasn't diet as I could eat the same meal two days running with different reactions.
I think my digestive system became oversensitive. I also recommend Nervapp, it didn't cure it but it taught me how to breathe properly.
How much fibre are you eating? I have cut down on fibre, the more I ate the looser the stools. And also veg, nothing during the day and then lots in the evening? Try smaller portions rather than large meals? These are only my thoughts, but im much improved. Good luck
Letsfixit1, thank you so much for your reply.I too eat my evening meal on the sofa watching TV. I also spend the time thinking about whether I will need to visit the loo after finishing the meal. Again, same with veg only having it in the evening. I am going to follow your advice on eating and see how it goes.
Thank you so much.