I have now been prescribed loperamide and since last Thursday I have been taking 3 a day. The doctor suggested 2 or 4 initially. My system settled down and I was having a bulkier BM every morning. I am also trying to follow the FODMAP diet as the doctor suggested. However, this morning I have diarrhea again. Not sure which is worse that or the anxiety I'm feeling. Has anyone experienced this as I was hoping to be taking just 1 loperamide a day.?
Loperamide : I have now been prescribed... - IBS Network

Morning, I take Lopermide also but only when needed. I feel taking this medication can also send you the other way if you take too many in a day. Bung you up causing Constipation. The problem we all face is you can't always watch what we eat that causes us problems with IBS. Perhaps you have eaten something that has affected you that has caused the diarrhea or you might of picked up a tummy bug. Only the other day I picked up a stomach bug I couldn't stop going to the toilet and I work driving a big van everyday so I had a great day trying to hold it all together. But that's when I took the Lopermide to slow it down. I didn't eat anything all day because of the fear of it carrying on with the diarrhea. I'm ok now but I think in your case you've eaten something that hasn't agreed with you. Ask your GP for an anxiety tablet that can help ease the symptoms as well. Feeling anxious doesn't help with IBS ,That can also cause issues too.
Oxygen Guy, my son also drives a big van and has similar issues. He has bought a radar key and now has a mental map of available toilets.
Morning, I've been wondering about that and you could be right. I was anxious because the loperamide had failed but it could have been what I had eaten. I will take it when I need to and see how that works. I had mentioned to the doctor about the anxiety but he didn't offer anything. I might have to go back and ask if things don't improve. I do sympathise with you and all the others who are on the road working as it must be very difficult for you. Thank you.
I'm wondering if you have overflow diarrhoea which is liquid food seeping around impacted stool i.e. you have gone the other way.
Doctors are advising to go straight for the FODMAP diet, but I recommend a different approach, which is taking a good probiotic first. All explained in the links below:
Hi, anyone who has seen my previous posts will know I swear by loperamide, it's a godsend to me. But give it time to work and don't panic too much about the odd bout of diarrhea, like I used to do. I have been trying to pin down the cause of my IBSD for years without any success. I do suspect though that my whole digestive system has become oversensitive and everything upset it. I restarted the 1 a day loperamide about 3 months ago, and after a shaky start my bowels have settled into a regular routine of a reasonably formed bowel movement in the morning after breakfast and sometimes in the evening. If the stools become too loose I occasionally increase the dose to two tablets. I am slowly reintroducing all the trigger foods I used to think were the culprit, and I'm fine. My digestive system feels settled. Don't worry about it bunging you up, hopefully you will find a dose that suits you. Good luck!
That's just what I needed to hear! I will remind myself that it is a case of one day at a time. Cheers!
Good to hear that you've found a way to settle your symptoms. I now take Loperamide the moment my diarrhoea reappears, which is no longer very often. (My IBS was, I believe, a response to long term medication and my gut remains sensitive). I do, however, take it as a precaution if I am eating out so that I'm not anxious about possible results. And by reducing the anxiety I reduce the possibility of symptoms, so win-win.
Have had ibs all my adult life, both and c. FODMAPDIET for years, only thing that helped was loperamide, but used to save it before an awkward or difficult day then took it v early or night before.To take every day would have caused other problems with c like others have said.
The probiotic route is good to try first but give it several weeks to have benefit. The more the different strains the better. Some strains are transient and some reside permanently. Cut down on sugar and sugar contai ING foods. Limit ultra processed foods. Keep a food dairy. 1,2,or 3 day delay complicates things too
Keep.your meals small. Try eliminating gluten and dairy. Not together, one at a time. Gluten eliminating can takes weeks even month or 2 so be patient. Don't fill up on GF food from FREE FROM aisle. These Contain gums and fillers that are highly processed.
Try meditation a d mindfulness for the gut/brain connection. Caffeine is a stimulant and will be effecting your blood sugar balance.
Seems overwhelming but if you can help yourself without resorting to meds then you will feel so much more in control which will help.
Found out that gluten was causing my ibs.
A gluten free diet needs to 100%.
Best wishes.
How easy for us all to be able to take 1 tablet a day!!!!!!!
Try one loperamide tablet every day regardless of any symptoms, & LOW FIBRE insoluble fibre, Soluble fibre OK foods soaks up water works for me .
Thank you. I did try 1 a day as suggested a few weeks ago but had to increase it to 1 twice a day. Then I found there was a build up and 3 days later a large bowel movement in the early hours left me feeling as if I was going to faint. I'm thinking this could be dehydration and I am now trying to increase my fluid intake. I will go back to 1 a day and see how things progress.
Gosh! That's a lot of Loperamides to take every day, I wouldn't go to the loo if I took that many. I take one or two at most, but only as I need them. I'll take them to put a stop on D, but would never take 3 a day. I buy my Loperamide from that well known online store, I'd be wary of taking so many, but hope things have improved for you.
My GP prescribed them to me many years ago, but now I order them online 36 at a time and they last me for months. It saves a trek to my chemist. Glad they help for you too. IBS D is a swine, I would happily swop it for IBS C, I least I would get out more. Good luck!