Would it be safe to use loperamide most days of the week forever??? I almost always go the toilet the next day I take 6/7 so I still empty my bowels the day after just wondering because I’ve been taking them for about 2 years now. Thanks cx
Loperamide : Would it be safe to use loperamide... - IBS Network

I am in the same predicament! I’ve not been told not to so I assume it’s okay but I also get worried about long term use!
It is an interesting issue. I don't take every day but quite a lot. I wonder if your system would get too used to the med., then you might need to take more and more .
Probably more of an issue if You are quite young . When I was about 20 , It was kaolin and Morphine mixture almost every day to make it to work .
I think you have to do whatever works though to have a life now.
Only caution I think ,is that 6 or 7 is quite a lot daily. Maybe some professional advice might be worthwhile .
Hello will, I am 19. I don’t take it every single day I mainly take it when I’m in work (on nights) 3 nights a week or 4 depending. Sometimes if I’m not too bad I take about 5 an when I’m off work I don’t tend to go out much so my body can have a rest. Going on holiday in July so my body won’t have a break most probably then! Thanks xx
Yeah I know I’m the same there’s still always a worry at the back of my mind!xx
Hi, I take two a day, one in the morning and another before I have my lunch, used to take 3 in a day but cut down to two - have been doing this for over 5 years but still have to go to the bathroom. Have always wondered whether to take more.
I was told by a consultant at the hospital that I could take 8 immodium a day just had to get the balance right for me. She said it doesn't interfear with any other medication. I have taken 5 so far today for a very bad flare up. I don't normally have to take this amount . I don't take everyday but the way consultant spoke she said some people have to take every day for life so they can get on with their lifesx
That’s reassuring to know thank you, I try and not take everyday give my body a break but it’s saved my life to be happy best I nevwanna r used to even l age and the house until I started taking them x
I know what you mean I'm worrying now if I'm going to be alright for work tomorrow as I still have stomache cramps and feel the need to go . Earlier on I couldn't even keep water in. I feel really hungry now but I'm to frightened to eat anything.
Hi, sorry for the delayed reply. I would First find out what the cause is, of what is causing the loose stools every day? Maybe testing for Gluten, or lactose intolerance, allergy to a food you may be eating, Colonoscopy for possible IBS or IBD..Chron's, diverticulitis, Ulcerative colitis, gastritus, what is the reason you are having to take the Loperamide or it could be dumping syndrome or leaky gut? Once you get a diagnosis, you can find a good Gastroenterologist who can presribe better medication that what is over the counter such as Bentyl or Levsin, or other prescription medication.
What isbentyl and levsin for and does it help with diarorea
Hang on..let me copy some info from my phamplet and send it to you. I switch back and forth. When I have loose stools/Diarrhea..it is caused by IBS..Chron's..spastic colon. It stops the cramping, reducing the diarrhea episodes. You can take it up to 4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal, and at bedtime, or even during a cramping "flare-up". It helps the bowels and colon from spasms..and is much better/safer than over the counter meds. Your regular GP or gastro can prescribe to you, they are usually covered by insurance. Many people find that Bentyl is also very helpful with insomnia and anxiety, so I usually prefer that to the Levsin. Although many people find the Levsin more effective. The Levsin can be constipating though...but both make the colon relax..so you don't have the spasms that create the loose stools..I'll write another post with info on each..hope this helps.
Bentyl (dicyclomine) is an anti-spasmodic drug which relaxes the muscle in the wall of the gut. It can reduce the intestinal contractions of an irritable bowel and therefore reduce pain and diarrhea. It is usually taken in table form, but a syrup form is also available.
Levsin (hyoscyamine) is an anti-spasmodic that relaxes the muscles of the gut and prevents spasms. Because of its relaxing effect Levsin can treat intestinal spasms, and also reduce pain and diarrhea caused by IBS. Levsin comes in tablet form.
Maybe try probiotics - Optibac are well researched look to see the research first - some people with D seem to have a lot of success with saccharomyces boulardii for diarrhea.
I am the same as everyone here, I buy a generic bottle of 200 at a time! My MD says it is fine but i do need far more than instructions between 6-10.
My doctor has prescribed Loperamide for me at 8 per day , any less and I'm running to the loo !!Have been on this dose for 3 years now