since July 2024 I’ve been suffering from a sour taste in my tongue. I had omezaprole till September 24 it did nothing. I am now on gaviscon advanced prescribed by my GP, it’s doing nothing! I’ve had blood tests, stools tests etc as my bowel movements have changed and I’ve had bleeding in my back passage for over 6 months. All infections and bowel cancer have thankfully been ruled out. Is it really IBS? I get a mixture of diarrhoea and constipation often, either way I bleed. My sour taste starts as soon as I wake up and heightens through the day and after bowel movements. What can this be? How shall I manage this? I’m fedup of all tests coming back negative
sour taste on tongue : since July 2024 I’ve been... - IBS Network
sour taste on tongue

Sounds like reflux (Gerd).
You may have a combination of GERD (acid reflux) and IBS-C (constipation). The reason I say constipation is that your diarrhoea could be overflow diarrhoea from liquid food seeping around impacted stool. The fact that you have had bleeding may also be indicative of hard stools.
It is good that the tests come back clear, but you are still left with the symptoms. IBS is diagnosed when other things have been ruled out.
I find that I tend to get GERD more when I am constipated, possibly due to increased pressure in the system from food hanging around too long causing gases to build up, putting pressure on the valve that sits between the stomach and the throat.
You may need to work on increasing fibre if not done so already.
You may find these links helpful:
Thank you so much for your reply. I never knew what overflow diarrhoea was! I recognised it as soon as I read your comment. I definitely have this! Thanks for the 2 links they’re so informative. I feel I do have IBS C now that everything else has been ruled out. The acid just worries me because I don’t want it damaging my oesophagus.
as already said gerd I have this all the time I also have ibs C I had lots of tests for the sour taste like you nothing came back
Ppi s made it worse and I really don’t like taking them as they can cause so many other issues
I used to think about the sour taste all the time and I think that just made it worse
I now try and ignore it and it is no where near as noticeable as it was I think it’s just something I’ll have to put up with as it’s my stomach causes the issues
I sometimes have bicarbonate of soda in fizzy water just a bit and that helps my stomach
You have my utmost sympathy!! I developed a horrible taste in my mouth back in the summer accompanied by constant, 'painful' hunger (after covid and gut infection). After months of research/trial and error, I worked out that it was due to overproduction of bile causing biliary reflux back into the stomach. I reversed this by changing from a ketogenic diet to one with less fat and more carbohydrate. The excess bile had seemingly been causing persistent formless stools and gut inflammation, resulting in increased gut permeability (aka 'leaky gut'...a term not readily understood/accepted by conventional medics!) And this put more strain on my liver resulting in the horrible taste in my saliva. It was also necessary to increase stomach acid production to help the stomach empty efficiently and encourage the gut motility to be in the 'right direction'. (I can see a connection between your symptoms and also why omeprazole and gaviscon wouldn't work and might worsen the situation. I presume the bleeding is dark in colour and due to haemorrhoids).
Yes bleeding is due to hemorriods and anal fissures. But they aren’t getting better either the medicine or laxatives. It’s annoying. I can totally relate to your experience. I’m also going to start eliminating certain things from my diet and see if it helps. I’ll talk to my GP about bile acid reflux because that’s been on my mind too.
Yes, haemorrhoids are a nuisance and fissures painful! Guess they'll settle when stools become the desired soft/toothpaste consistency and you are able to avoid straining. Counterintuitively, I'v read a lot over the past six months that suggests that for some, having too much fibre can cause constipation, a fact that is borne out by those who follow a carnivore diet finding stools become looser. I also remembered that my very high dose short course of probiotics also improved stool consistency within a couple of days (but it needed me to decrease fats/increase carbs too). I took two back to back courses of Elixa probiotics (and had taken about three weeks of saccharomyces boulardii prior to that with gut infection in mind). Lots of info on Elixa site.... and he's a very helpful and knowledgeable young man who responds to emails if you have queries. His approach is one of the most sensible and intelligent that I've come across, and is well ahead of current conventional medical thinking (which is mostly directed by pharmaceutical companies). Wishing you all the best!
I don’t know whether you have had a Gastroscopy or not but you may have a sliding hiatal hernia and oesophagitis because of the GERD acid reflux . I was diagnosed with IBS until this was found.