For 10/30 minutes before bow movements my legs turn to lead. Hea y dull ache lower back,groins and back passage burns. Even when bowel movement is easy and looks normal. I feel even worse after and have to lay down. So I never can leave the house in the morning. Now becoming more unpredictable and afraid to go out at all I ha e a hospital appointment on Monday. Its 1 hour drive!!! I'm afraid I will have an accident and don't feel strong enough to do this. and I have to go alone. No one would go with me anyway. The stress will make bowels worse too. I don't know this hospital.
IBS bowel movements: For 10/30 minutes before... - IBS Network
IBS bowel movements
I do feel what you must be going through. If I were there, I would come with you in the car! I had to do the same thing on two occasions, rose to the challenge but yes it was a bit stressful, especially as I don't have SatNav. And it was pouring with rain. I got hooted at on a roundabout because I wasn't sure which road to take and had to go round twice! What a day!
I hear you about pains before bowel movements. Every morning I have to sit on the floor in front of a fan heater because I get awful pains in my low lower back. As soon as I've been #2 it eases. But there have been days when I feel even worse after, and it seems to drain my energy.
This might not work but could you phone the dept. of the hospital where you are supposed to go, and ask if it's possible for you to change to an afternoon appointment? It's worth a try, as sometimes they can do that, especially if it's well in advance. Even if they give you a different date.
Another option (sadly) is fasting the evening before. Making sure you have fluids and electrolytes but staying away from solid food from maybe about noon-ish the day before. Then there won't be much in the gut anyway and you may not need to "go" at all that morning?
Yes, you'll be hungry, but you can look forward to some nice food when you get home.
Thanks for your reply. My original appointment was 9am (Impossible) they only do mornings. I changed it to 11am. Also I am not allowed to drink for 12 hours!!. I'm sure I will wind up with a head ache and stress makes me thirsty anyway. I am planning to have a small dinner. I may have to postpone it anyway cos I have a heavy cold upsetting my guts and leaving me exhausted. I take water to bed and sip it on and off all night as I have acid reflux caused by a small hiatus hernia. I just want to get it over with. I need this test.
Oh, it's a shame you are not allowed to drink for 12 hours! That's not friendly at all. For goodness sake, what do they want to do, make you dehydrated??
Never mind. You'll be okay, and soldier on I am sure. But it might take you a day or two to get back to normal afterwards.
Yes, stress can make my mouth feel dry too, so I know what you mean. When it's over, what a relief!! Just look forward to that. and I do wish you all the best on Monday.
It's rotten to now have a bad cold too, and that's upsetting your guts. I hope that improves a bit at least over the weekend. Rest up this weekend and try to keep cozy and warm in this cold weather
I wish you good luck on Monday. Take spare clothes, wipes etc. just in case. Hopefully you will not need them but it is always better to be prepared. You could also wear Tena pants. I suppose that not being able to drink 12 hrs before that you can also not eat either. I am like you I would get a headache too. Once the test is over eat and drink a small amount enough to get you back home. Try and look at the positives, like you say you need this test. Most nurses and doctors are very understanding and you are not the only anxious person that will be there. All the best x x
I know it's like....Thursday now... so I am a bit late, but I hope things went OK for you on Monday?
I didn't get to the hospital appointment. I rang them to tell them I have a cold. They said it would interfear with the results anyway. So has been postponed to the 17th. I hope I don't catch flu or worse still nora virus! I'm visiting my son next day and that's a 2 hour drive!!! Only date we could make.
Yes, I am not too keen on catching ANY bug going around right now either!! I am washing my hands when dealing with any outside things where other people have been (door handles, mail delivered, etc)
And I have gone back to wearing a lightweight N95 mask again for when travelling or in crowds, supermarkets etc. I do sometimes attract glances from people but I don't care. I would rather try to avoid infections as much as I can.
Some neighbours of mine caught norovirus and were sick at Christmas Day and Boxing Day too. They are OK now and going for their usual long walks again, but I always worry how that could make IBS maybe worse long term for us with IBS !
And none of us needs flu or Covid either.
I hope your visit to your son goes well, and the drive is okay. I find listening to my favourite music while driving helps lift my spirits a lot. Or maybe a podcast.
Just a thought. Sucking a boiled sweet on your journey might be helpful, I’m sure that can’t be classed as food or fluid. When I have colonoscopies I do that. Good luck and hope you soon feel better.