I have slow transit and anal dysfunction. Forever struggled to pass a bm, finally found a regime - tons of fibre, glycerin suppositries, manual intervention and being highly disciplined - food goes through , and I can excavate some stool- felt a real breakthrough. Two days ago I badly twisted my back - extremely painful, got strong anti inflammatory pain relief - but no way I can get the strength to push and relieve myself - so not toileting at all. My urine is slow but can still wee - so bloated and in panic I’ve taken laxative dose of magnesium - what if I still can’t go, feel back at square one - holiday booked but can hardly walk, stand, sit - so horribly fearful my bowels will never work again . Please help, I’ve eaten so something must come out !!!
I’m injured- what to do ?: I have slow transit... - IBS Network
I’m injured- what to do ?

Are you male or female ,could it be from period bloating?
Hi Dudders123, I presume normal laxatives like Laxido will not help? You could try Flaxseed, but it will take awhile to work, if not I suggest seeing your doctor.
Much sympathy, it must be very uncomfortable. General suggestions, many of which I'm sure you've already tried. Hot drinks stimulate peristalsis/contractions of the gut. Prunes are amazing for slow transit/constipation. Psyllium husk also good (and can be used for loose stools too) but MUST be accompanied by plenty of fluid! Using a 'squatty potty' or feet up on a low stool/footrest when trying to open bowels along with trying hard to relax...slow breath in and prolonged breath out through pursed lips. Slow transit can be caused by issues earlier in the gut ie low stomach acid and gallbladder function/bile production. And very importantly can also be caused by poor vagus nerve function and general stress (which it's hard not to have when you are in pain and so worried).
Thank you so much for your support, just left hospital- I do most of your suggestions as a daily neccessity, seems I have suffered major trauma to my back so the breathing, positioning is proving too painful and yes, too tense and in pain to facilitate the efforts involved. Hoping for recovery, albeit slow, to regain function - may try psyllium - alongside copious prunes, porridge - more fluid too, again I thank you - been a major set back, wishing you well x