Hello guys I’m new and I finally want to open up about my problems . I honestly think I have ibs but I’m not sure . I’m 17 and I’ve had bad anxiety ever since middle school . I noticed my anxiety reaches high levels whenever I was at school . My biggest fear is being in a quiet room with strangers . Well as you all know that’s what school basically is . I noticed that when I find myself in a silent room I sweat tremendously and my stomach starts acting up . I start trembling and the only thing I can think of is “get out of there fast!” . I started noticing that when I know I’m going to end up there (at school) I start to worry a lot and my stomach starts acting up all over again . The 1st thing I do when I wake up is to go straight to the restroom. That way I can go to school in an empty stomach and not worry about gases or growlings . But my stomach does it anyways when I find myself back in a quiet room . I’ve tried eating breakfast to see if it was that but it didn’t help . It made everything worse . I’m always waking up with constant stomach pain , diarrhea, and way toooo much bloating. This has lead me to drop out of school because I can’t bare the embarrassment. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve tried diets and it doesn’t help either.
What can I do to make this better ? Plz help - IBS Network
What can I do to make this better ? Plz help

Hi skittles, I think you should go see your doctor as you seem to be suffering from social anxiety. Which is causing you to have tummy troubles, anxiety defo causes ibs. I suffer with health anxiety and it causes all sorts of problems mainly ibs. Go see your doctor he will help you. I hope this helps to reassure you . But you must see doctor for your anxiety . Look after yourself. God bless x
Thank you for your reply . But I will sure see a doctor soon and hope for the best .
I totally agree! If you wake up immediately worried about how your stomach will feel you are already setting the precedent for your day. My daughter takes meds for the exact same thing. If she made plans for an outing two weeks out she would suffer stomach problems up to and on the day of. School, trips, shopping anything would upset her stomach. I too suffer from IBS Infuced by anxiety. I take no meds but I absolutely have to think positive or have a bad day. Best of luck to you.
Yes. I also believe you are suffering from anxiety and your stomach issues are just a symptom of that rather than any real malfunction. I think if you can get your anxiety treated your gut issues will resolve too. So don't wait around. You don't deserve to suffer with this. And you are suffering needlessly.There are so many treatment options for anxiety.
I know and can relate. While I still have occassional bad lower abdominal cramping I was prescribed Levsin or Bentyl. Took it four times a day before, during or after meals and at bedtime. It helped a lot with pain and stomach noises. I know being on prescribed Klonopin has been extremely helpful. I have panic attacks as well..so I take 2mg in morning and 2mg at night. Along with Seroquel..the Seroquel helped Just stop the pain. Just wondering have you had a upper abdomen and lower barium follow through? It's not uncomfortable at all..and it can reveal many issues. Seeing a therapist and dietician has helped me cope as well..I hope you get to feeling better. There is also a great "anxiety" forum on here too..I have also heard Welchol or Colistipal from posts from others on here has stopped the diarrhea. I'm in the States though and can't get it here. ☺
Oh my dear, you really need to see your doctor! You have something beyond IBS. You're having panic attacks. The intestinal part is your adrenaline kicking in your flight or flight response, which in animals means emptying really fast (ie diarrhea) to facilitate running away from predators. Do you see the parallels?
What is not healthy is your phobia about school and/or the quiet room. This is why you need to see a doctor. You need to start medication for the panic attacks. I really urge you to do this as soon as possible before you add cardiac symptoms to an already out of control condition. You also need to seek psychiatric help to help resolve the reason you're having the attacks in that situation. I have a psychology degree and what it sounds like is you experienced a serious trauma that resulted in the phobia. The panic attacks are a symptom of that trauma. I can't help you resolve that without formal clinical talks.
It bothers me that you felt it necessary to drop out of school because of these symptoms. That is truly disheartening. Please seek medical and psychological treatment at once so you can get your life back. You deserve to live a healthy life without giving up on its important aspects, including education.
I can't tell you that you won't have residual medical issues, such as anxiety or even IBS. Right now, they aren't as serious as what I've already mentioned. You don't have IBS, by the way. But you might developed it, if you get your parasympathetic nervous system to settle down. That's what's controlling the diarrhea and other intestinal symptoms.
Your panic is so serious, you will need to be medicated. Finding the right balance takes trial and error. Work closely with your doctor to get something that works well for you. What works for others may not necessarily work for you because of your body chemistry. Once you've got your symptoms under control, or better control, explore life changes that help you control it without and from within. Yoga is a good way to find relaxation. Put on some soothing music and watch videos on how to do it. I think it might help you through the videos. I'm not sure how are able to learn but, although I'm begging you to seek medical help, only true healing comes from within. Yoga and personal meditation will help heal your being where medical help leaves off. Do you understand what I'm saying?
I don't know you, nor you me. But I feel for you. You are too young to be giving up on life. My conditions developed over time. I was able to have a career. When that was taken from me, I still was able to complete my degree, it's actually a dual degree. I can't escape the physical damage done to my intestines and the rest of my body. But I'm so much older. You deserve all that I've had plus relationships and family; you deserve happiness. I'm sure that's another thing you've given up on since it's embarrassing to be around anyone when you are experiencing the gas etc. I will note that having children can stretch your intestines causing them to be loopy. If you develop IBS, that will play into it. (I'm assuming you're female. These issues are more common in women, unfortunately.)
I truly hope you take my advice.