Douleur et mental: Bonjour a toutes et tous,Je... - IBS Network

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Douleur et mental

Charlitobo profile image
7 Replies

Bonjour a toutes et tous,Je poste pour la première fois. J ai un syndrome de l intestin irritable IBS type C depuis plus d une dizaine d années.

Une des causes, adhérences cicatricielles après des chirurgies au niveaux de l abdomen. Transit atone. Je ne peux fonctionner sans laxatifs type Transipeg. Je prends aussi du Mestinon pour la motilité intestinale.

Le psyllium marche un peu et non irritant.

Eau Hepar.

Je tente Linaclotide, qui a des retours ?

Je souffre après chaque repas et je suis d ailleurs en sous poids. Intolérances alimentaires dans tous les sens. Constipation et ballonnements.

Mais l inconfort m est bien égal après toutes ces années. Mon ennemi : la douleur ! C est comme si mes intestins étaient en sang, râpés, tirés, la peau a vif.

Des que je vais a la selle, cela cesse pour un temps.

Mon moral est très faible. Je ne peux plus travailler. A la retraite a 42 ans...

Je suis désolée de ces mots tristes.

Vous lire m a fait beaucoup de bien car je me reconnais parmi vous, dans vos mots, dans vos émotions, dans vos douleurs. Je me sens moins seule, moins anormale, presque moins malade.

Merci a vous.

Que faites vous pour la constipation sévère pour les IBS type C ?

Avez vous des douleurs ?

Et pour garder l esprit sain ?

Je fais du sport tous les jours, j écris des livres, je vois bcp de gens, j aime mon mari passionnément. Mais j ai une immense tristesse en moi.

J ai peur aussi. État d anxiété généralisée. Qd la douleur n est plus la j attends, je me force à ne pas y penser, j attends, et elle revient. Toujours.

Beaucoup de larmes versées.

Beaucoup de solitude intérieure et physique.

Nous sommes seuls dans notre corps.

Seuls a vivre avec lui.

Mais j ai tant envie de vivre !

Bien a vous,


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7 Replies
tinlizzie profile image

Je veux vous repondre car j'entends vos sentiments de solitude et tristesse. Mais mon francais est limite! Vous vous exprimez tres bien et beaucoup de gens ici comprendront vos emotions. La douleur devrait addressee par votre medecin. Vous parlez des aspects positifs dans votre vie , mais d'une tristesse internale. Peut etre un cours de therapiepourrait vous aider? Je vous assure, vous n'etes pas seule. Faites ce qui vous donne ia plus joie et vous entourez des gens avec qui vous vous sentez le plus confortable. Vous etes encore tres jeune et la vie a toujours la possibilite de s'ameliorer. Je l'espere pour vous. Bien a vous aussi.

Meleber profile image

Hi, I used Google to translate your post into English. I hope you don't mind me for doing so.

"Hello everyone, I am posting for the first time. I have had irritable bowel syndrome IBS type C for over ten years.

One of the causes, scar adhesions after abdominal surgery. Atonic transit. I cannot function without laxatives such as Transipeg. I also take Mestinon for intestinal motility.

Psyllium works a little and is not irritating.

Hepar water.

I am trying Linaclotide, who has any feedback?

I suffer after every meal and I am also underweight. Food intolerances in all directions. Constipation and bloating.

But I don't care about the discomfort after all these years. My enemy: pain! It's as if my intestines were covered in blood, grated, pulled, the skin is raw.

As soon as I go to the toilet, it stops for a while.

My morale is very low. I can no longer work. Retired at 42...

I am sorry for these sad words.

Reading you has done me a lot of good because I recognize myself among you, in your words, in your emotions, in your pain. I feel less alone, less abnormal, almost less sick.

Thank you.

What do you do for severe constipation for IBS type C?

Do you have pain?

And to keep your mind healthy?

I do sports every day, I write books, I see a lot of people, I love my husband passionately. But I have an immense sadness in me.

I am afraid too. State of generalized anxiety. When the pain is no longer there I wait, I force myself not to think about it, I wait, and it comes back. Always.

Many tears shed.

A lot of inner and physical loneliness.

We are alone in our body.

Alone to live with it.

But I want to live so much!



XDjames profile image

I hope you can use Google to translate to French for you.

IBS can be very lonely as it's so hard to get across to others what you are going through, and it can have a huge effect on them which can reverberate to you.

I don't have IBS-C I think but when I do get a bit stuck the effect is catastrophic so I make sure it can't happen. A couple of weeks ago I was made to take 8 sachets of laxido every day for for three days. I think a good constant dose (but much lower) would work, the least worst option.

Yes, some discomfort relief after bowel movement is usual for IBS. I'm often getting only a backing off, sometimes after 'explosive decompression' I have nasty after ache. 'bleeding, grated, pulled, raw skin' sound familiar. -but no blood coming out.

Very tough to need to retire at 42 but you seem still very active and involved which matters a great deal. Keep doing that and stay useful.

Charlitobo profile image

Thanks every One !Sorry I thought Google will translate automatically. I can write and read english also, no pb.

An Google translate your wrightings automatically for me.

I don t know laxido here. It should be the same as transipeg. But more than 1 dose and it hurts my intestines also.

Same for Linaclotide : did you test it ?

What is your rythm ? Me, 1 every 4 days.

Any doctors help me with physical pain. I have 2 good doctors for psychatric therapy.

But the physical pain break every little effort or progress in my mind.

Who has same interior pain in intestines ? How do you deal with ?


XDjames profile image
XDjames in reply to Charlitobo

Laxido contains Macrogol, and it's the way my doctor prescribes it. Looks like your stuff is the same.

Pain is a very strange thing, take a look at this, with CC (Probably only English):

Apparently pain is a very poor indicator of physiological damage. But it is absolutely real.

There are tricks you can play, apparently. There are pain therapists out there. I'm trying.

Not sure how you experience your pain but mine feels like someone poking an ulcer. Not easy to ignore, particularly when trying to get some rest.

in reply to Charlitobo

The pain I get I can usually deal with by drinking ginger tea, it's a simple thing but it works wonders. I don't take any medication from the doctor at all.

Maybe you could give the ginger tea a try, you have nothing to lose.

I wish you well..

xjrs profile image

Sorry to hear that. You may find my answer to this post helpful:

You can also try the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app for the pain alongside other remedies.

Good luck.

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