I’ve recently had a terrible time following what should have been prep for a colonoscopy and turned into needing emergency care in Hospital. Drinking the purgative laxative as directed lead to excruciating pain and took me to A&E. A scan showed what surgeons said was a thickening of colon and rest of system totally blocked up and distended. Also appendix which they clearly thought inflamed. They were really ready to perform emergency surgery and leave me with a permanent stoma somewhere depending on “how much of bowel [they would need] to remove”.
As pain had been controlled with a dose of something inc codeine, by late night they admitted me to a ward. Overnight my bowels started working again- as I realised this meant the blockage was opening I asked the ward sister to let the surgeon know. Then I refused to go to theatre in the morning and insisted to speak to surgeons. The team came up to the ward to see me and we discussed my situation. We agreed they’d try and have a look with camera and see whatever they could and if they could get camera through and didn’t see any tumours that would mean no need to cut me open.
So, that’s what happened. I was kept in hospital five days. Now home and on a low fibre diet so bowel can heal and rest. . Yesterday at a review inc blood tests and X-ray, consultant told me he wouldn’t have believed he was looking at the same person he’d seen a few days before as X-ray showed ostensibly a bowel functioning normally.
But also their diagnosis is diverticular disease and a permanent stricture which means a permanent low fibre diet and maybe other problems in future or future surgery needed. They’ll order a Colonic CT scan in a few months time.
I wonder if anyone out there has had such a diagnosis and what your experience of having a stricture has been? Thanks for reading and any advice.