Can amitiza make u overheat ? I have overheated maybe 3 to 4 times this week plus my cycling vomiting is acting up
What ibs medicine works ?: Can amitiza make u... - IBS Network
What ibs medicine works ?

Are you drinking enough fluids? You could be de hydrated
Hi there are you aware of the intense magnetic effect from the recent and current solar flares? It's causing havoc to our bodies and anxiety to sensitive people. Check it out google space weather and solar activity radiation effects on health. I'm in horrendous pain and dizziness, bloating, confused, heart arythmias, sorry spelling, I thought i was dying. I am an highly sensitive person so things like, smells processed food, doctors medications almost everything not natural effects me badly. I can eat all veg, nuts fruits no prob, stress has been the worse trigger for me. As things are today it's all around us, so hard to relax. My mother told me never to eat when you are upset as the food will turn to poison! I have found personally , it causes digestive upsets. Hope this helps.
Kay 80 and still alive on oxygen supplement ( copd)