I’m having an ibs flare up right now after 4 good months! Anyone have tenesmus with their ibs? I hate it!
tenesmus: I’m having an ibs flare up right now... - IBS Network

What is that condition tenesmusPlease
Yes it's horrible I've had it for years. The feeling of having to go and nothing comes out. The only thing that works for mei s grapefruit seed extract. My doctor prescribed Bentyl and Levsin they are anti spasmodic drugs. If rather go natural way but even then somethings don't work. Doctors have no idea what to do. Sorry I don't have many answers. Do you have IBD, diverticular disease or proctitis? It's very common in inflammatory diseases, but also in ibs.
No, I don't have IBD. I've had IBS for 30 years and this symptom comes and goes but it's really bad at the moment. I'm just curious to know whether other IBS sufferers have it too. x
I have had the tenesmus feeling for approx. 2yrs now. Started after a slight bit of very loose stools and feeling would not go away. The past yr I have bloating and a lot of gas. Some days worse than others. I have had ct scan, mri, blood work, colonoscopy. All good. Dr's say I am healthy and have Ibs. Constantly feels like I have to go. I believe I have ibs mixed. I have taken up to 40mg of Amitriptyline. Doesn't help. I cut myself back down to 20mg. Diet changes don't help.I have been to two colon drs. and 2 gastro drs. Say there is nothing they can do. I exercise regularly, play golf and swim. I just deal with it. Some days worse than others.
Very frustrating as we all know.
I don't have IBS but do have tenesmus. Past episodes proved to be caused by rectal in which were treated and tenesmus stopped. Now trying to see a colorectal specialist. Do sympathize.
I have had an anal manometry test, and apparently have muscle weakness and pelvic floor dysfunction (thanks to childbirth many years ago!) I think this causes the T symptoms when my IBS flares up!
yes I get that a lot I find haemorrhoids cream up inside help a lot as my ibs always affects my internal haemorrhoids
Have you asked your Doctor or Gastroenterologist about Bentyl or Levsin? I have Tenesmus and it seems to be helping a lot..now I can sleep better at night..
I take zapain at night that stops the tenesmus, I find as well drinking plenty of water help a lot, I try to drink at least 1 1/2 litres of water on top of my caffeine free coffee
I have this sometimes and have both IBS and IBD. It is really bothersome, but it does seem to come and go.
yes I get this and it is truly awful.Think it may be something to do with bowel being so sensitive there may just be a tiny bit of stool there but makes us think we need to go when we don’t.I have had it on and off for about 25 years.🥲😩
I think that's definitely part of it. Visceral hypersensitivity! Also motility problems so my muscles are uncoordinated which means I never feel like I've been properly, which fits in with your comment. x
Yes, I have this horrible condition which, I presume, is a symptom of my IBS. The feeling for me is like a really uncomfortable pressure in the rectum about an hour after a BM. I don't have to keep running back to the loo, it is just this awful discomfort. I get vesical tenesmus too: the feeling that my bladder hasn't emptied fully either, accompanied by bladder pressure. My GP doesn't have any answers and no suggestions. I believe it is associated with extreme hypersensitivity. I took low dose nortriptyline for a while, which helped, but it started to raise my BP and so I came off it.
I'm considering taking a SSRI antidepressant which, I understand, can help with hypersensitivity and does not have so many side effects as the TCA antidepressants (amitriptyline/nortriptyline etc.)
Has anyone else tried SSRIs for IBS?
I've been prescribed Amitriptyline several times over the years but have never taken it. I need to be alert at work and after speaking to a few people, even taken at night it can make you feel foggy in the mornings. I took Escitalopram for anxiety a few years ago - I managed 5 days of horrible nausea and much worse stomach symptoms so gave up! I couldn't even stand them for the initial 2 weeks of side effects. I have rectal pressure too and it's really exhausting xx
hi , it’s the part of my Ibs that bothers me the most ! Totally sympathies with you , it really knocks my confidence, that constant feeling of needing to go , like others mine is usually worse if I’ve got piles , I tried Amitriptyline , last 4 days on them ( I even halfed my tablet 😂) felt like I’d been hit with a truck , couldn’t get out of bed , I felt so tired, and couldn’t think straight, BUT they do work for some
Take care
Its worse than IBS. I managed it with peppermint oil, lots of rest and fermented vegetables. Try taking the peppermint oil 30 minutes to 1 hour before a meal.
I am on amtitiptiline,its the only thing that has helped!
I have ibs from years ago but since 8 month I started to suffer from the same thing, but I noticed the reason is the presence of internal hemorrhoids, which is a very annoying feeling. …days I feel better than others .
I hope you get well soon.
I have haf tenesmus for years it started after I was diagnosed with diverticular disease. Because of antibiotics and a few Norwalk virus infections I think I developed ibs and going 10 x to the bathroom daily caused hemorrhoids and internal mucosal prolapse. My surgeon gave me Dialtizem and nitroglycerin cream to increase rectal vascular healing. I've had manometry and defecogram etc and have no dyssinergia which means my rectum functions. He said tenesmus is either caused by IBD, proctitis or rectal nerve damages. He said there's no cure, but using a heating pad and the above medications tame it down. I've thought of having a colostomy bag and full removal of rectum because of this nightmare. But like he said constant irritation is what causes it and results in anxiety and thoughts of doom. Slippery elm works diets with l low spices and no irritants help. Like he said once the nerves are damaged they send signals to the brain as if you had stool when in reality there's nothing. Kefir probiotics help also.. I've tried everything if anyone else has ideas I'd love to hear them.
I have this and was prescribed Bentyl and Levsin. It seems to be helping with anal spasms and Tenesmus.
Hi, I’ve had a anal/ rectsl scan and recto pyllogram- couldn’t pass a thing!
Radiologist said I had a rectocele and probably disserergia… awaiting to hear from MDT meeting about my bowels( perish the thought!) before I get to see surgeon again.
In the meantime I’m using suppositories and anal douching with warm/ hot water- it’s the only way I can ‘go’ . Awful easy to live as I can’t go far. Partner keeps banging on about holidays… how?? X
Yes...it's the pitts. I know how you feel. These people can have normal bowel movements and don't understand what's it's like to have chronic constipation, Chron's disease, Ulcerative Colitis..then if there is a large family gathering..and not enough bathrooms people are banging on the door. Last year I had enough..and stayed at a motel at Christmas. Not much fun but at least I could be miserable in peace..and not have to go to this event, or this church, that church..I wanted to go so bad but I was too miserable. I always wondered if they were saying mean things about me for "not being there". I did try. So heck with them. I could be Mother Theresa and it still wouldn't be good enough for "family"..
I’m sorry you’re suffering. I also get terrible Tenesmus and have often wondered if I got a stoma would it help. Because at the moment that symptom alone causes you to have a very lonely existence. Never mind all the other symptoms you have to put up with. I hope you find some relief soon. Good luck
Thank you! I go through phases where I don't have it at all and then it's horrible!
If I Google, it just refers to IBD and tenesmus but my GP told me years ago that it can also co exist with IBS.
Good luck you too xx
Have you tried Bentyl or Levsin? It has helped me with the intestinal and anal spasms..
Well, I learned something new! I did not know you could get your rectum removed! I know my boyfriend has Stage three cancer and he has wires all on his insides (stomach). They had to remove his colon..so when he eats he has to rush to the bathroom for a bowel movement. He said he has 1/2 a rectum..the other is wires. I have chronic decades long constipation and cannot feel the "urge" to have a bowel movement. I tried to look into Sacral nerve Stimulator but it's extremely expensive and insurance won't pay. So every week I have to take Senna (Geri-cot) under the care of a Gastro. Just to have a bowel movement. What a life and living the dream..lol..
I have this..as well as bad anal and intestinal spasms. It's quite annoying and very uncomfortable to the point I can't sleep. I was just prescribed Bentyl and Levsin and so far they seem to be helping with the Tenesmus.
I often get the anal spasms as I'm falling asleep - it would be nice to understand why but I've given up on that! xx
I do too. So my gastro told me to take 4 (Bentyl...I stopped the Levsin) a day including one at bedtime..but I try to limit it to two a day since I suffer from Chronic constipation (which brought on the Tenesmus)..seems to help with the night spasms. Let me know how it works..😊
The problem is that Bentyl causes constipation. I use levsin 10mg which is less constipation. There's got to be a solution for this I've heard butyric acid suppositories help heal the rectum as well as ozone olive oil suppositories.