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Breathless1943 profile image
18 Replies

hi everyone I hope your all keeping as well as possible.

I’ll start with ,I do have IBS,but to the end of last year I was told I also have Diverticulum/ Diverticulitis. I’m trying to understand it,but I’m not doing to good. Since December I’ve had 3 courses of antibiotics,until then I haven’t had any for 12yrs. I’ve had constant pain for the last 10 or more yrs which I’ve took as IBS,but this is a whole different story.

I started this what you may call a flare up last Thursday,I went to the loo 8 times,and the pain was bad,but I don’t want to go to hospital so I waited it out. I slept quite well until 5 o’clock then the pain began again until I went to the toilet again. Having said that ,I’ve been a bit up and down with it.Until this morning when I had diarrhoea like water,considering I only had had a couple of pieces of toast and a salmon sandwich yesterday,it surprised me. I’m now getting to a stage where I’m frightened,stressed,and run down. I just don’t know what to do for the best. Each time I see my GP it’s a different one,and they all contradict each other. I’ve also lost half a stone in weight.

My hubby has got me a phone call with a GP for tomorrow,I usually eat arrowroot biscuits for diarrhoea but I just don’t know when I’m doing right or wrong.

I would be eternally grateful for anyone with this condition to give me any advice. I do think age comes into playas someone else mentioned on here,they don’t seem to have much patience with older folk.

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Breathless1943 profile image
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18 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

Could it be the antibiotics which have caused this bad recent flare up? And have you been diagnosed with IBS at any time? Did you take the antibiotics for Diverticulitis?

Antibiotics are notorious for messing up the gut flora. I wonder if a good probiotic like Symprove, or Alforex might help you.

Some of what you said seems to relate to IBS, but it's hard to be sure unless a doctor has told you that it's IBS.

I have IBS, and I have had awful flare ups in the past, going to the loo numerous times in 24 hours, even when I ate the most "binding" foods (like plain steamed fish and white rice.) And I did get some pain, like a feeling of trapped wind, or a pain that reminded me of a period pain very low down in my belly.

During those flare ups I was fine when asleep! No pains or urgency woke me up.

You might like to try a good probiotic and see if it helps. Also some foods on the low FODMAP diet might be easier to digest. That might be good to try, but it's no guarantee they will suit you.

I also tried Arrowroot powder, mixed with a little bit of water and used to drink that every night before bed, but it didn't seem to make any difference to my IBS.

But I also tried Tormentil tincture which I get from A. Vogel, and that does help a little bit for diarrhoea. Plus very bland and simple foods, like white rice, plain cooked fish, hard boiled eggs, peeled mashed potatoes, white toast, and a few vegetables which suit me. (that can differ with each person, so I would say just experiment with small amounts of steamed veggies and see which work for you.)

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to Luisa22

Hi,I was diagnosed with IBS 10-12yrs ago. But I don’t have flare ups ,I have had constant pain. It started mild pain and as the years went by it got a lot more severe,that’s when I stopped going out,unless necessary. But back in November I had pain I couldn’t cope with,so my hubby took me to A&E and I had a CT scan with dye,and I was told I also had the start of Diverticular.

Since then I’ve just got worse and my GP gave me antibiotics,he also told me to forget the IBS,which I thought was a stupid statement. So to be perfectly honest I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. My hubby popped into my GPs yesterday for me,but all I got was a phone call this morning with a nurse,who issued me with antibiotics,but got me an appointment for in the morning. Another thing that drives me mad,is I never see the same doctor twice,so they never know my history.

Sorry I got a bit carried away there.🙄

Karenjaninaz profile image

I started using NOW psyllium Husk capsules for bulk. I started at 1 and gradually went up to 2. Needs lots of water when taking and take away from any medications.

Are you taking any supplements like magnesium? Certain magnesium preparations can cause terrible diarrhea. I take magnesium citrate, or magnesium glycinate with no problem.

I’m sure you ruled out lactose intolerance?

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to Karenjaninaz

Hi,the only supplements I take are Folic Acid & vitamin D3 which I was given by my Osteoporosis specialist. I’ve coped quite well really until this Diverticular disease began,because I can’t take much more pain. It’s totally wrecked my later years,and my hubby’s really. I have quite a few problems and over the years I think some specialist’s have messed me up. I had a heart attack and I know for sure they gave me a tablet that caused me to have an under active thyroid,they’ve also given me medication that they are now telling me I’m addicted to,and should come of. I’ve tried twice and the pain in my stomach is unbearable,it’s there mistake yet they seem to be blaming me.

Good example,every doctor,specialist,or consultant will say to me,(My you are on a lot of medication…). I just say (Well I never gave it myself). But no one seems to want to help.

Sorry again got carried away.🙄

Karenjaninaz profile image
Karenjaninaz in reply to Breathless1943

You shouldn’t have that much pain with diverticular disease unless they are inflamed and you need antibiotics. Have you been checked ulcerative colitis or celiac disease? Sometimes, when they say it’s IBS it’s something else. Extreme pain like this should send you to the emergency room. It’s coming from something. Retired nurse anesthetist here. US.

Mutleyforever profile image

Hi, awful to hear your predicament and really hope you can finally get this sorted. It sounds as though your Gp no longer thinks this is ibs, and maybe you never had all the exclusion tests to rule out other possible causes of your chronic pain. My only thought is, to ask for a colonoscopy if you haven’t had one recently and wondered if you have tried Amitryptiline for pain relief, this can be very effective and also a little constipating which may help matters. Sometimes we never find what triggers our gut problems , particular foods, stress, trauma but chronic pain can be dealt with and the GP can refer you to a gastroenterologist and certainly give you Amitryptiline if it is suitable for you ( or another tricylic antidepressant, that works as a neuromodulater, not as an antidepressant. Best wishes and make the most of that phone call ! Mutley

Linley profile image

After my last colonoscopy in June last year I was told my diverticula had moderate change. I have not had diverticulitis (infection) so whether I get conspitation or diahorrea I take Buscopan or Mebeverine to ease the painful spasms. I agree with Luisa22 anti bacs can seriously upset the gut and as you have had 3 lots do wonder whether you still have an infection, just a lay person's opinion. They do say that diverticular is an older person's disease but I think our western diet has something to do with it. Do try and see your assigned GP and discuss as us oldies have paid into the system and deserve the same attention as other patients. Good luck 🍀

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to Linley

Hi,I had a colonoscopy a few years ago,although I agree with you they are probably the best way to find out a problem or not,but I screamed with the pain even though I had a sedative,I swore I would never have another one which is why I think they loose patients with me.

I’m really stressing and frightened because I really don’t want to end up in hospital. I’m also of the age now I’m fed up of being messed with,may sound stupid,but I’m just being honest. The two meds you mentioned for spasms don’t work for me.

Thank you for your reply all the same.

Linley profile image
Linley in reply to Breathless1943

So sorry you experienced pain with the colonoscopy procedure. It should not be that way, it may be because the diverticular was evident as it was in my case so the Gastro proceeded with a paediatric scope instead of adult. Anyway as I said before good luck in the future

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to Linley

Thank you I will keep that in mind.

winfong profile image

This sounds a bit like diverticulitis. Big difference between diverticulosis (having diverticula) and diverticulitis (when they become inflamed). You probably don't even know you have the former, while the latter is really painful.

What were you diagnosed with, -osis or -itis? How was that diagnosed? If it's -itis, anti-biotics is the way to go.

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to winfong

I’ve seen a GP this morning,and he says I have diverticulitis,so I have some antibiotics,which I’m not keen on taking but needs must. He gave me two lots saying one compliments the other. Same old story eat bland food for a while,I’m a fussy eater so that’s hard for me to eat bland food. But I get the idea. He’s also given me some antispasmodic meds,so we’ll see if these work.

But god do I feel weak and run down. Thanks for your reply.

winfong profile image
winfong in reply to Breathless1943

Well, if it is indeed diverticulitis, the anti-biotics will definitely help. Best of luck

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to winfong

Can I ask you what you think of eating plain yogurts and rice pudding.

I’m not sure if it would be obviously classed as dairy,which I don’t have a problem with.

winfong profile image
winfong in reply to Breathless1943

Surprised your doc didn't talk to you about what to eat. It was just broth and jello for me for about a week. I think only then can you start introducing things like yogurt and rice pudding.

Karenjaninaz profile image
Karenjaninaz in reply to Breathless1943

Diverticulitis actually can be fatal if a diverticulum ruptures. This actually happened when I was preparing to administer anesthetic to a lady. She moved during the preparation and had a terrible pain; off to the hospital she went. A diverticulum ruptured. So it’s absolutely necessary to complete the course of antibiotics that you hate.

There is an approved probiotic to take along with the antibiotics called Florastor. It prevents the diarrhea.

winfong profile image
winfong in reply to Karenjaninaz

Indeed. I didn't have a rupture, but had a nice sized abscess. Lots of powerful antibiotics to bring that baby down.

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to Karenjaninaz

Hi Sorry it’s took me so long to reply,my internet was down. It’s not that I hate taking antibiotics,it’s more the fact they hate me. I can’t tolerate many of them. I have Emphysema and years ago I had lots of chest infections which I seemed to be taking antibiotics regularly plus steroids.Personally I believe that’s what’s caused my stomach pain which has now led to Diverticulum,and at the time probiotics were never mentioned.

Back to now,I just seem to be going backwards,it’s a case of if I knew then what I know now my health would be better I’m sure. I have quite a few health problems,which I can control,but this particular infection I can’t seem to get my head around to keep it at bay. I think I’ll need to look into a dietitian to help me out. But thank you for your reply.

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