I’ve been diagnosed with gastritis and duodenitis and a sliding oesophageal hiatus hernia. Currently taking Pantoprazole 2 x 40mg and Nizatidine. Short term relief but all my symptoms are back 🥲. Changed my diet, lost weight (mainly due to not being able to eat) and still the symptoms are there. Will it ever go away? Is there any remedies out there that could help as I’m struggling with the constant pain, belching and nauseous feeling. GP just keeps prescribing PPI’s and told me to expect flare ups. Thanks
Gastritis: I’ve been diagnosed with gastritis... - IBS Network

Don't mean to be personal, but are you overweight? I used to be and since losing weight years ago my sliding hernia never bothers me
Hi Edwangy and thanks for replying. Not particularly over weight. I have lost quite a bit with not being able to eat. I’m 55 and menopausal but I probably could do with losing a bit more. I’m just not sure when I have bouts is it the hiatus hernia or gastritis. I’m more inclined to think it’s gastritis and the bouts last at least 10 days.
Hiatal hernias often require surgery. Tell your doc you need and want this surgically repaired. If he balks, find another doctor. This time, a gastroenterologist.
Hi Weezie that’s the issue is it my hiatus hernia or gastritis causing the majority of the problems?. I suffer for at least 10 days, get a break for a few days or a week and then it all comes back. My consultant received all the reports and discharged me back to my GP, no consultation or advice given. My GP just keeps prescribing PPI’s and Peptac liquid. Surely there has to be another medication that works?
I am currently wondering whether my dyspepsia will ever go away. Can't stay on the PPI due to bone probs in later life, the H2 blocker is making me uncomfortable with nausea so just taking Gavison when needed. This week am trying something simple like sipping lemon in water, as recommended by a fellow sufferer on this site, if that don't work going down the homeopathy route.
Hi Linley I am with you in homeopathy. I also only drink water now to try and reduce inflammation. I’m also take green tea with Manuka honey. I am currently thinking about hypnotherapy to tackle stress, may not feel stressed but with each bout my confidence and stress levels are off the scale. Hope you get relief.