Does anyone find it difficult to pass gas, even though stooling is not really difficult? It’s been happening on and off and it causes gas to backup to the nose. I urgently need remedies wherever it might come from.
Finding it difficult to pass gas: Does anyone... - IBS Network
Finding it difficult to pass gas

I have trapped wind and bloating, and my GP recently recommended Buscopan for muscle relaxation. I do see some improvement in my symptoms. Buscopan is available OTC for short usage, so you can check it out. For longer term use, it's best to check with your GP. Hope you feel better soon. Take care!
I used tips from Dr Eric Berg and it seems to be helping
The way Buscopan works is to slow down the muscle contractions, so you could end up with constipation!
Just sometimes I get trapped wind (gas) But I'm sure my case is nothing like yours.
It doesn't happen a lot but it's really painful when it does. I got it the other day and my thoughts went immediately negative, thinking I might have appendicitis!! It went on for hours and nothing would come out. I would have literally paid money for something to make me fart.
I lay on the floor with my head on a small pillow, and kind of rolled gently from side to side, drawing up my right knee, then my left. Then I massaged my tummy from lower right, up, across under the stomach, and down to the sigmoid area on the lower left.
I had a nice hot cup of tea. No not peppermint, just my usual Earl Grey without milk.
I did pass wind about 3 times and the pain eased up. Next morning I had a lovely warm bath straight after getting up, and let out absolutely loads of wind under the water, so much that it was funny. Then trapped wind hasn't bothered me since. I think relaxing in the warm water helped, plus probably a night's sleep.
So even though your problem might be nothing like mine, you could maybe try the above tricks and see if they help?
It's excruciating having wind that you can't get rid of, the discomfort is indescribable, totally distracting, very difficult to get anything done. Just walking to the chemist today felt like a major expedition. No kind of medicine at all has helped me, only painkillers can help take the edge off. Lying on side, other poses can help up to a point but drain my energy. I wait for dinner because that usually forces it out. Not tonight! Still stuck. Damn! Such a stupid thing is so disruptive.
Simethicone, lying on your side, pulling your knees up, exercising, lotsa fluids, ginger
Deflatine, Windeze, chewing fennel seeds, fennel tea, all the exercises and massage the others have recommended, hot water bottle or heating pad, charcoal tablets - at some point you win out!
Wish I could stop the wind! About an hour after every meal I have horrendous amount of wind. Don't know where its all coming from. Pro biotic makes no difference. I have tried windeze and decaf green tea. Buscopan makes me constipated. I dare not go out. Its painful and embarrassing.
just try different types of simethicone and bicarbonate of soda, but as needlewoman noted, it's probably also something to do with your diet. Just do some research on the internet about what causes wind. Advice from one of the best clinics in the USA:
it's usually a sign, too of fermenting in the intestine, causing gas to build up, so perhaps try gradually introducing more fibre into the diet, and if you can find the foods that cause it, so much the better-omit them and see if the problem returns-if not, then its best not to ingest them.
Thanks everyone, I got some relief. I think the problem was kind of connected to my immune system and gut health. I ate Sauerkraut once each day, including 2 tablets of Vitamin D, 2 tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast & 1 tablet of Multivitamin daily. I also prayed about it too 🙂.