sitting in a lovely hotel room with hubby, due to see a show in 3 hrs and having a bad flare up. Lots of trapped wind, pain and dashing to the loo. Taken an Imodium but feel washed out now. Supposed to be having a nice meal before show, but now scared to eat, and not sure if I can make show either😭. So fed up of missing things because of flipping ibs. Poor hubby missing out too, just feel guilty and needed a moan🥺
night out flare up: sitting in a lovely hotel... - IBS Network
night out flare up

Gentle hug from me. Totally understand. This has happened to me so many times. The most recent was in November. We had travelled away to go to a vintage car show and view houses for sale. I was ok until after a meal, when sudden flare hit me. Ended up awake and in pain for most of the night. Couldn't go to the car show (another 2 hour drive away, and lots of walking all day) and only just managed the house viewings. I started on Low Fodmap after that, plus Curable app and another hypnotherapy app. Fed up of IBS affecting my life so much.
Can totally relate to this and fully sympathise. Have missed so many trips out, meals and theatre shows too. Someone suggested that after the first two or three occasions this happened I was bringing the episodes on myself, a bit like Pavlov’s dog syndrome. Now if I have anything booked I try to eat bland food and avoid alcohol a couple of days beforehand and always have plenty of Imodium in my bag. Sometimes it works……I also try some deep breathing exercises and stay calm. Maybe try this and see? Good luck 🤞🏻
It could be the most beautiful amazing hotel and the best show in the world but it can be trashed. I can't risk staying away during a multi-month flare. It can lead to resentment, on top of having to deal with this every day not knowing if (but actually it's almost always when) I'm ready and able to get out and go somewhere. So it's pretty much impossible to plan, and everything is last minute, spur of the moment, which can often actually work out quite well. But it can be so hard for nearest and dearest to get their heads around this concept.
Hi,All sounds so typical IBS , it is really awful and it feels worse because it affects partners enjoyment also.
I used to have similar experiences many times but less so as I have got older.
So two things . You are far from being alone with this and perhaps it will get better with time .
I would say that some of it is in the mind .I think if similar has happened before , somehow, maybe fear of it happening again sort of makes it occur .
If say , Imodium or something , usually stops D and you feel confident that it will, then I think over time , by taking it in advance , it creates a more confident feeling in the mind and it does not happen so often .
It is awful , most of us can well understand it . I hope this helps a little.
Imodium is my best friend if I have anything planned that could be problematic like the theatre etc... my gastroenterologist (I have IBS and IBD) says that it is okay to take 1 or 2 initially and if need be another 1 or 2 a few hours later. I would not suggest this as an ongoing routine, but otherwise, many thousands of us would have no life! Bland foods are not what we want to eat when choosing a meal out but rich foods often exacerbate the problem.
I also find just planning something like you have planned is stressful in itself and the actual stress makes the gut play up more! I really hope you managed to see the show and enjoy what you could.
How did your evening go? I went with a partner to Chicago to see Andrea Bocelli, years ago, when he was soo very popular - it was Christmas and the hotel was decorated top to bottom. My anxiety got to me and I asked him if he could leave the room for a bit so I could take care of bathroom things, and he did - I had explosions and finally cleared my bowels - but then I was extremely exhausted and could barely open my eyes - little bouts of diarrhea all night long - what a let down - we did get to see him sing, but I was so disappointed in ME. Here I am 20 years later and still I suffer..... usually constipated, but if I let it go too long, whoosh!