Hello, community.
I have a putative diagnosis of SIBO-IMO and would like to know of other people's recent experience of SIBO testing /investigations. Thank you.
I'm new to this forum but have been on HU for many years. I have Lupus, Raynaud's, Erythromelalgia; IBS-c and Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD-1).
I have been struggling with my bowels more and more over many years; constipation, then a few days of loose, stools and real difficulty in trying to keep myself clean-sorry for graphic detail!); abdominal bloating and pain etc etc ie a full house of IBS symptoms. I've been using rectal irrigation but without much if any relief. I have had endoscopies, colonoscopies and many GI physiology tests. I have a "long, loopy bowel" but I believe an otherwise normal colon.
I have been seen by an NHS Dietician, who was helpful a couple of years ago, and who has said she'll guide me through any dietary manipulations that are recommended, although she doesn't have any specialist knowledge of managing SIBO.
I saw a private Gastroenterologist 2/52 ago and was told that I should have a methane/hydrogen breath test done by a Nutritionist (who apparently specialises in SIBO), and an abdo/pelvis CT. I was poised to order the breath test from the Nutritionist when I thought to search on here for others' experience with this and other tests.
It seems that the breath test is less than reliable and that my hopes of a straightforward journey through tests and investigagtion would result in at least a definitive diagnosis and a management plan, with diet advice and/or medication. However, that looks less & less likely now that I've read about the process and the outcome for others.
From xjrs's helpful response to LoobyLoo a couple of months ago, I see that I have a few of the pre-disposing factors for SIBO/IMO, so I will go ahead with the (expensive) breath test and once the result comes through, to me and to the Gastroenterologist, I will take it from there. I am reluctant to see the Nutritionist after reading of people's experiences with these therapists. However, I will have to put it all off until the New Year because a FIT came back as positive last week and I've been referred for an urgent colonoscopy, even though I had a normal in May 2022, and I'll need to wait a minimum of 2 weeks after that, before doing the breath test.