Hi Everyone. I have had IBS C for 15 years but have recently started to have a new symptom which is very uncomfortable. I get a heavy, pressure like sensation in my rectum, often after a bowel movement but not always. It can last for hours. It isn't exactly pain but very unpleasant and distressing. At the same time I am having urinary frequency. Also I can't empty my bladder fully. I need to double void but even then it still feels very uncomfortable like I need to pee again. Has anyone had this? Thanks for any advice.
New Bowel Pain: Hi Everyone. I have had IBS C... - IBS Network
New Bowel Pain

Sounds like a trip to the GP is in order, since you'll need a diagnosis.
yes I have, I started getting a feeling in my anus like I still needed to pass a stool, mine changed after the start of Covid, I believe I had Covid at the start but without any symptoms but it sent my ibs in all different directions.
I've been having these symptoms as well, usually 2/3 days of the week. Ive always associated them with the fact that I can't empty my bowels and it's the pressure of leftover stool and also soreness. It's uncomfortable for sure, I always find washing myself after the bathroom with fairly warm water is very soothing and affective.
It is possible that there is still some stool remaining and that is causing the heaviness feeling. Also, if there is remaining stool it can put pressure on your bladder and make you feel like you have to pee again,
I have a horrible pressure feeling in my rectum a lot. It goes through flare ups and then feels ok. I think it's visceral hypersensitivity linked to IBS. It feels very sore too at times.