Hate it!: It never ends. Stress makes it worse... - IBS Network

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Hate it!

29 Replies

It never ends. Stress makes it worse. I have long driving trip coming up and it makes me crazy just thinking about it.

29 Replies
Linley profile image

Buy a car loo to ease anxiety, have an emergency kit on hand and all should be ok🤞

Edgar77 profile image
Edgar77 in reply to Linley

I have yet to find a car loo that can manage no 2s and there is no privacy in a traffic jam!!

Pinkfluffyunicorn27 profile image
Pinkfluffyunicorn27 in reply to Edgar77

My daughter has a travel potty it’s small but very sturdy and has a lid that clips down over the contents of the potty.I have used it in an emergency in the footwell in the back of the car.You would be amazed if your stuff in a traffic jam how many people struggle with the toilet issue.Me just knowing I have it makes me feel a million times better.

Edgar77 profile image
Edgar77 in reply to Pinkfluffyunicorn27

Thanks for that I will look it up

Pinkfluffyunicorn27 profile image
Pinkfluffyunicorn27 in reply to Edgar77

Yes I think they are called a carry potty, good luck with your trip.I hope you find something that puts you more at ease.

in reply to Edgar77

I have travel potty, never used it yet, but its ready

225AEDWARD05 profile image
225AEDWARD05 in reply to Pinkfluffyunicorn27

How would that be practical if your the only person in the car(obviously your the driver),your stuck in a massive traffic jam on the M6 and you need a number 2 ? How could / would this alleviate any anxiety ? Personally I would've thought it would ADD to my stress. ? Just my opinions that's all.

225AEDWARD05 profile image
225AEDWARD05 in reply to Linley

Lol,how can anybody go "on" the toilet on a car trip,apart from the obvious public amenities? IBS is in the main about going "on" the toilet.As someone has said what if their stuck in long tailbacks etc ?? A pee yes but not a number 2.

Think about what your writing please the comment doesn't help the ladies anxiety does it ??🤔

Linley profile image
Linley in reply to 225AEDWARD05

I am sorry you feel my comment is laughable as another IBS member suggested I buy the car toilet, I am female and have anxiety. Having the toilet reduces anxiety and coupled with preparing for a journey I have not had to use it. Please see Pinkfluffyunicorns27 reply to Edgar77 are you going to laugh at her suggestion too?

225AEDWARD05 profile image
225AEDWARD05 in reply to Linley

I'm thinking practically, if someone was "took short" whilst stuck in a long motorway hold up how on this earth would anybody be able to use such a device,if 1 actually exists ? Yes if you were in a quiet country lane,you could go behind bushes/trees I agree. But is the facility you've bought for peeing or number 2,and if so could it be used for a number 2 whilst stuck in motorway traffic ????🤔🤔

Pinkfluffyunicorn27 profile image
Pinkfluffyunicorn27 in reply to 225AEDWARD05

Well this is a very rude reply actually, I have had IBS since the age of 16 and in many occasion haven’t made it to the main facilities.So to alleviate some of the anxiety I carry a potty.I have used it on an accident obviously stationary no problem don’t really get why you think it wouldn’t be ok.Obviously if your moving then no I mean I’m not that stupid.My anxiety mainly comes from not being able to make it to the facility so carrying something in my car I can actually use helps.There are studies to stay that the brain guy anxiety can cause upset tummies.So I would actually say my suggestion may alleviate some of that.If you don’t like mine or other people suggestion maybe don’t say anything.Or at least ask in a nice manner

225AEDWARD05 profile image
225AEDWARD05 in reply to Pinkfluffyunicorn27

You and possibly others are completely missing my point. I 100% agree if a person has IBS and needs to make a long journey but can't for fear of anxiety in case of being caught out,yes this device is brilliant I'm sure. But,my question is,how can this be used by a person if your stuck in miles and miles of traffic and it's just you in the car ? Surely the anxiety of being seen would increase ? How practical is it ? My point,it's not exactly discreet is it,that would cause stress and in turn increase the conditions of the IBS ? I reiterate,it sounds ideal if you were travelling on quiet country roads,but most,not all I agree,long journeys are on motorways,and this was the original question posed by someone wanting advice on a long journey. No criticism just a practical unit/device in case,and with the conditions I've highlighted it sounds like there isn't anything ? It's simple really.🤷

Pinkfluffyunicorn27 profile image
Pinkfluffyunicorn27 in reply to 225AEDWARD05

Why do you feel I need to explain how to use it when it’s a suggestion for the person who asked the question.I made the suggestion because the person said in there question they have never found anything sturdy enough for no2s.

As an adult the person would have to decide if they would feel comfortable using it.I could go on to say use a nappy extra Imodium and make sure you always have a black bin liner.But again maybe you would think how would that help.

Do you have toilet anxiety? Can I ask what you would do in that situation?

225AEDWARD05 profile image
225AEDWARD05 in reply to Pinkfluffyunicorn27

Yes I do have anxiety of being caught out,like most of us,but sadly I wouldn't make a long journey for this reason.

Pinkfluffyunicorn27 profile image
Pinkfluffyunicorn27 in reply to 225AEDWARD05

Well I’m very sorry to hear that I hope you find something that helps

in reply to 225AEDWARD05

Trust me, if u really need it, u find a way

in reply to Linley

I did

225AEDWARD05 profile image
225AEDWARD05 in reply to

You did what ? Use the device in a traffic jam ? How do you wipe /clean yourself,how do you dispose of said cleaning material ?

in reply to 225AEDWARD05

Always carry plastic bags and baby wipes

Frasina profile image

I got stuck once on the M25 (in the UK) for over 8 hours due to a major accident. The only things I had in my car boot were lots of thick towels and some plastic carrier bags! The towels were there in the event of this sort of problem but I never thought I would have to use them. I am female and the men in other cars were just getting out and heading into any bushes. I ended up collecting my towels from my boot and used them all over the 8 hours I was stuck. This was 20 years ago now and I do not have to drive from A to B anymore but if I did I would definitely invest in some sort of car loo....

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Frasina

I heard of someone a while back now, who turned her driving seat into a commode! I am not a mechanic and wouldn't know how to do that, but it sounded like a brilliant idea.

in reply to Frasina

7 mile bridge florida keys, 1 lane north, 1 lane south. 2 teen age girls with me and they had to pee, I had to do no 2 in traffic jam laying 3 hours. Found blanket held it in front of girls and then my turn. Not fun as either side of road water water water and snakes and gators. Only thing saved us, everyone else doing same thing.

Frasina profile image
Frasina in reply to

Your scenery at least is much more interesting than the M25 is! I have done the Florida keys (in my 20's and I'm my 60's now) and it was well before I started any IBS and IBD issues. I guess what everyone is saying is we have to do what we have to do and if towels in my case or blankets in yours is necessary then that be it. I agree that any long journey (especially by car) is going to be stressful!

Luisa22 profile image

Bucketlady, I hate IBS too !! It has made me that I dislike travel of any kind and avoid it, except for short drives in my own local area, which never seem to bother me. I think it's mostly the stress of any major travel that gets the guts upset.

Popping out to a friend's for the evening, or driving to a woodland 5 miles away -no problem!

I don't know where you are supposed to drive or what the drive will be like, or whether you get the D or C version of the dratted IBS, but I'd say definitely eat the most bland foods or your 'safe' foods for a couple of days before. Certainly don't experiment with anything no matter how hungry you feel!

If it's the 'D', maybe you can try out dosages of imodium to get a balance that suits you, not that makes you bunged up, because there's always a price to pay for that.

But if things are not going well, maybe Imodium can help to see you through the actual journey?

in reply to Luisa22

I take 2 immodium daily.

I don't manage it, it manages me

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to

I hear you. I find that all the stress management techniques are lovely to do, and make me feel more relaxed.....just so long as there isn't any actual, real, serious stress going on at the time!! Then my body just by-passes everything!

Meditation not work for me, I've tried, my brain on overload 24/7. I try prayers which helps, but my intrusive thoughts still creep in.


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