I’ve just had my seventh trip to the bathroom not diarrhoea lots of thin stools. Where does it all come from? I’ve also got niggling left sided pain. I ate out last night and was really careful what I ate but there were some leeks in the dish. I am really paying the price now. So fed up with this condition especially when the people I was with were eating and drinking whatever they liked without any worries! They are so lucky!
I hate IBS: I’ve just had my seventh trip to the... - IBS Network
I hate IBS

I know. It's not fair is it? I hate IBS too. It's like living with a stroppy teenager inside my tummy.
I soon found out that leeks weren't friendly (in my IBS state anyway, though I used to adore leek and potato soup.) I can't eat onions, garlic, leeks, spring onions or even chives any more. It's said that the green part of leeks is OK (low Fodmap diet.) But I didn't find that at all .
I also can't eat out unless I get something really bland and OK. Egg and chips is usually my choice.)
And not all cafes and restaurants do that. Most foods served are dodgy for me, owing to what's added or the sauces etc or even just the recipe itself.
Eating out is just a nuisance and sometimes an embarrassment for me among other people who don't understand.
I prefer to eat at home and cook from scratch -simple ingredients and all veg that suits me steamed except for one or two things I can eat raw. That way I minimise symptoms and can eat quite healthily almost every day
I'd say if you know leeks aren't good, don't try to eat them. Maybe you will be able to re-introduce them one day, but maybe not for now. Have you narrowed down any other foods that don't work for you?
I agree with Luisa.
I don’t know where all the poo comes from either. Thin stools and pain on the left side could be diverticulosis.
It is a pain!
I really sympathise, that's exactly how my stomach used to be. As part of a social group that like to eat out, I got to the point where I had no idea what was causing the flareups. Coffee and scone one week was fine, following week same food and drink, same cafe, huge reaction! And whilst indian/Mexican, highly spiced foods intolerance my friends could relate to, I got some derision when I reacted to a scone!
I also went down the route of only eating healthy carefully thought out meals at home, cut out loads of stuff on the fodmap diet. I was thoroughly miserable and it didn't work!
Thank you for your comments. I am so careful usually and like you cook from scratch at home and eat out rarely. It’s just so annoying when you have a really nice social evening and then really pay for it the next day. I won’t be eating leeks ever again!
this sounds like diverticulitis attack to me which I have had overbthe years, you need to report to your dr and they probably will put you on antibiotics as the diverticuli pouches aling colon are inflamed and can become infected,
I read ibs pain mostly on left side that's where my pain also comes from
Hi, I totally understand how you feel. Getting invited out for meals is no longer a positive for me. I immediately think oh boy I best go online and check the menu to see if there’s anything I can stomach 🤪. I’m currently suffering really badly with pain in my left side and awful tummy cramps. I am unsure if it’s something I’ve eaten or the aftermath of a stressful week. It’s an awful condition and sadly most people who don’t suffer have no clue how bad the pain can be and how poorly you can feel. The pain literally can just tire you out. Hope you’re feeling better x