Please can anyone tell me from past experience which they prefer or works best Alverine or mebeverine?
Alverine or mebeverine : Please can anyone tell... - IBS Network
Alverine or mebeverine

Definitely Alverine for me.
Never tried alverine but mebeverine didn't help me and also made me irascible.
Mebervine if you need to firm things up, Alverine if you dont.
Alverine is an aid to getting food through the body.
The dose is one to three tablets a day; I take two - 1 am, 1 pm.
Be patient, it is not an immediate overnight experience.
I used to be consistently bloated, get eggy burps and diarrhoea. I now only get partial bloating.
I've not tried Alverine but Membervine works well for me with bowl spasms for other inflammation, bloating etc I issue Silcogel
Mebeverine didn't help me at all. I still haven't found anything that helps and I've had IBS for 29 years.
I was on mebeverine some years ago but Dr moved me to Alverine - honestly cant remember why but Alverine generally works OK for me