Day five: Well,I wasn't going to do this but... - IBS Network

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Day five

27 Replies

Well,I wasn't going to do this but have just had a couple of things out of the ordinary happen. Last evening I ate pork, peas, carrots with garlic and sweet potato, larger than my usual size meal. Likely a normal size meal for most. I experienced abdominal pains but only mild and thought no more of it. Could be the barbeque sauce on the pork, sauces are a known trigger for me, pushing it again! This morning after downing my omeprazole, multivitamin and probiotic 15 minutes later my cereal and then within 5 minutes I'm over the sink reaching wanting to vomit. I'd like to think it was the order in which I took everything but just don't know. It could be the amount of food I ate the night before, or it could be a bug I have picked up out and about despite wearing my mask always. Just don't have an answer yet and may never. Feel it is a little unfair to say no kick back still.

Time will tell, feeling better after my stand by, cup of tea.


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27 Replies
winfong profile image

You are very right. Could be a number of things. Definitely wait and see.

That said, did your ol' cuppa work?

in reply to winfong

Sort of. Now have a distinct feeling diarrhea is on it's way. I'm guessing the meal was too rich for me and too much too soon. Lesson learned , I hope! Likely the problem of a shrunk stomach from so little food for so long.

I read some where D & C are the same thing usually the result of too much fibre. So far can't prove it or not, will have to do some research as it appears to be controversial. I tell you what though it doesn't feel the same like the same thing! Apparently those with stomach troubles are more likely to not evacuate the back passage completely each time. That feel familiar.

Better out than in is the only rule to be sure.

Time for another cup of tea! It may not help physically but it sure does mentally. Must be why everyone sits down for a cuppa in time of adversity.


TrexArms88 profile image

Peas, Sweet Potato and Garlic are all high fodmap. Combined with a large meal too (sufferers of IBS advised to eat smaller meals) could have tipped you over the edge.

A recent FODMAP course I went on said to think of your system like a bucket. If you overfill that bucket with FODMAPs throughout the week (or any given time period as it's all personal) that accumulation could have bad results.

If you suffer with constipation then sudden loose bowels can be caused (no always) by something called overflow. Essentially the body floods you guts with water to force what it can past the 'blockage' or slower transiting stuff.

Could be a number of issues but it may be too high a FODMAP count in one meal or this week, it could also be a bug or the weather changing. Who the hell knows. IBS certainly makes you feel like you are going mad though! Which I can definitely relate too! 😆🤣

in reply to TrexArms88

It is easing now and leaves me with one conclusion. My eyes are bigger than my stomach! Probably won't learn my lesson but it was a relief to get some food into myself. Need to slow down on the reintroduction of food.

xjrs profile image

I had a retching episode overnight once when I'd consumed too many vegetables the previous day. As TrexArms88 says it could be FODMAP overload. Both garlic and sweet potato are no nos for me, but everyone is different. In my case, I had such an overload of gas in my system that my body was trying any way it could to get rid of it. I ended up taking Rennie Deflatine and things calmed down.

Coming off 17 days of starvation the eyes were bigger than the stomach. I 'm sure you are correct. Don't think the pork helped any either. Will have to slow down the food reintroduction. I'm impatient to prove the IBS is taken care of, stupid fool me.

TrexArms88 profile image
TrexArms88 in reply to

I'm not sure IBS is ever taken care of so to speak. It can certainly make a come back if we revert back to bad eating habits (which will be different for each person). This is because it will ultimately affect our microbiome. IBS is essentially having a biome that is incapable of dealing with certain foods/FODMAPs in certain categories. Just something to bear in mind until you know clearly what your triggers are.

If you'd not eaten in 17 days, I think anybody would have had a dodgy reaction to a big meal after that. Case and point being when people have been on these telly programmes where they are 'washed away'. They are slowly reintroduced back to 'normal calorie/food intake' because the body has adapted to its new 'norm'. Hopefully that's all this was, understandably, wanting to get some food back into your belly. With any luck this passes without further issue and you know your options for future, should this happen again.

in reply to TrexArms88

Totally agree. Remission not cure with IBS, always looking for the bogie to reoccur.

Sparrow58 profile image

It maybe you ate a little too much. Your tummy may need a bit of TLC with smaller meals.

in reply to Sparrow58

Most definitely. I hope lesson learnt.

Superzob profile image

It might be worth mentioning that Omeprazole reduces the acidity of the stomach and can result in some more pathogenic bacteria getting into the digestive system - this used to upset me when I had to take PPIs. I suppose the garlic would help eliminate them, but it is well known to exacerbate IBS-D in some people.

in reply to Superzob

I'm predominately cursed with IBS C due to other health issues. Omeprazole also has the reputation of causing polyps. Once I'm back to normal or full remission the Omeprazole will be stopped.

Rod2020 profile image

Barbecue sauce doesn,t agree with me it upsets my stomach with pains and diarrhea, well I,ve thought that’s what it was but some things trigger my ibs then another time they don,t.

in reply to Rod2020

I'm just pushing it too fast and need to slow down the reintroduction of foods.

Don't you know it is full of fructose. I read that somewhere on here. But don't believe everything you read on internet! Right, Idiot.

JimmyJackson profile image

I found that by going on a lactose/gluten free diet my acid reflux was resolved & I stopped omepazole

in reply to JimmyJackson

Acid reflux is my constant companion. I get it from having a full stomach, be it food or fluid and also if I talk more than normal. Just spit it up and it strips the lips. If I'm really unlucky it burns my oesophagus. So far the only answer is sugar free chewing gum which is a short term relief as long as I chew. I'm hypersensitive to stomach acid, diagnosed, the answer is yet to be discussed with Gastrology next month.

GrannyEllie profile image

I do exactly the same as you every mornng but have never felt sick. Maybe it was something you ate or a little bug as you say?

in reply to GrannyEllie

The bug called gluttony seems to be the answer!

Luisa22 profile image

That sounded like a yummy dinner. But I tell you I could NOT : eat regular peas (too many tiny skins on each dratted pea), which works like a super laxative for me anyway.

Sweet potatoes....again same. Too much fibre for my tummy, it, but I haven't been able to eat garlic for three and a half years now. Or onions, leeks etc. Gut hates it and I used to live on those things.

Barbecue sauce? Nope. But there would be nothing wrong with good pork, well cooked, but plain cooked.

Plus a huge dinner when you say you eat smaller meals usually.

But I have also heard that some supplements shouldn't be taken on an empty stomach, and can cause nausea? No idea about yours though. I have a multivitamin/mineral daily and have mine after my meagre breakfast. They never made me feel sick though.

in reply to Luisa22

Yes it was nice but was it worth the consequences, probably not. More fool me! I inadvertently had my pills before my cereal and not between the cereal and cup of tea, next morning. Need to be a little more awake in the mornings. The probiotics I take aren't the best tasting, once the bottle is finished that's an end to this one, on with another.

Peas I was trialing them and I guess they gave me an answer. Onions are both a digestive and a prebiotic, can't get enough but, it can be a problem. I found years ago they poison my heart muscles when I eat one raw. You can see the heart trying to leap out of my chest and I go hyper. Doesn't affect the heart rate just the pulse size. Took some time to diagnose as everything else with the heart was fine.

I wish anything would work as a laxative for me, even the prescribed laxatives don't full work with me. I take two of an evening and hope for the best. Occasionally I'm thrown into D for a day but that is always a relief from the constant C fight.

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to

Yes, I always struggle with peas. I grew some myself last year and they were sweet and tasty, but oops... (even on one small portion with my fish.) Yet, weirdly I am usually fine with mange tout or sugar snap peas, and can even eat those raw! though usually I steam my veg. I am convinced it's the little skins around each pea which irritate my gut. I can sometimes even eat tinned chickpeas in small ish amounts but I have to skin every single one first.

Andann profile image

I think we've got that worked out! I had an episode of horrible stomach pain after eating crackers with black pepper, red wine, an hour after other crackers and probiotic camembert. A walk in between and didnt sit down . Talk about a touchy stomach....after weeks of near normality which I have been putting down to a steady supply of sourdough multigrain bread and not too much fruit. I am cutting down the size of evening meals too.

in reply to Andann

I can't touch black pepper aside from the IBS, I'm allergic to it.

I try with each flare up to go back to basics and stop eating to let the irritants leave the stomach. If you can't stop eating go with grilled chicken or fish and water with no additives. Let the stomach settle then start the reintroduction of foods. I always has worked for me apart from this last time when medication was still being take. Took awhile to figure it out but once the meds had been stopped and the stomach settled, back into reintroduction. Until I screw up again!

No I spend a lot of my time correcting morons with cockeyed opinions, just like you. The more you write the more my point is proven of you. Grow up and try and get a life, idiot. I know you don't believe in google but you might want to search the definition of an idiot.


IBSNetwork profile image
IBSNetworkPartnerIBS Network in reply to

Hi there,

I am so sorry for the nature of the responses you have received. Abusive messages are not acceptable within our community (and HU) and I have reported the individual to Health Unlocked.

I hope you are okay. If you would like support with your IBS, please get in touch.

We are here to help and support.

Andann profile image

Ha, yeah, when we let our guard down, forget what we've read etc. I have been very careful and eaten bland stuff since then.

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