How long did you have to wait for a non- urgent colonoscopy referral?
How long did you have to wait for a non- urgen... - IBS Network
How long did you have to wait for a non- urgent colonoscopy referral?

Hi there I've just been referred for a colonoscopy & endoscopy and was told the wait for non urgent is approx 12 weeks.
I was given a choice of hospitals. Two NHS ones and a Nuffield one. The shortest wait time was the Nuffield, so I went there. It was NHS funded.
Hiya, I was referred for an urgent 2 week rule colonoscopy last year but still waited around 8-9 weeks. My local hospital triage’s referrals for gastroenterology and colonoscopy, hence the wait time. However my repeat colonoscopy this year I only waited 3-4 weeks. Hope this helps and I hope you don’t wait for long.
I'm supposed to have them done every so many years, but one of the gastro team put me down for one last year, I thought that was not going to take long.
Somehow the message didn't get through that it wasn't quite routine and I called the last person I dealt with and found it was put as 'non-urgent'. Anyway could be worth a call if you can get hold of your specialist's secretary.