stool test results: hello everyone, my targeted... - IBS Network

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stool test results

GKT1969 profile image
6 Replies

hello everyone, my targeted stool tests were returned and summarized below. Anyone have any similar results and possible supplemental or dietary recommendations to improve deficiencies?

general imbalance in the gut microbiome (dysbiosis)

A low level of a marker called Secretory IgA. This indicates the immune system along the gut lining is underperforming. This could be the cause or the result of the symptoms.

A low level of sodium butyrate ( the main energy currency for the gut 

secretory IgA is something I have not heard of before btw

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GKT1969 profile image
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bburzycki profile image

I was told the same about my IgA - Went and saw my GI specialist and he said IgA in stool can be very well wrong in many cases and should be double checked with blood testing. I will know those results in a couple weeks. Then I can see if they match or are totally wrong when compared.

xjrs profile image

You might want to be very careful when considering these results. I went through a similar testing process with a nutritional therapist. It is to be remembered that these tests relate to parameters that are still under research. Parameters such as Secretory IgA as I understand it are not part of standard medical tests that have undergone clinical studies for their significance and translated into mainstream medicine. This means how to act on these parameters is still not proven. For instance, in my case I was told that considering that I had dysbiosis the therapist thought that my Secretory IgA should be higher in response to the infection. In fact it was in normal range. She recommended me take high doses of Vitamin A to support it. However, this vitamin is stored in the body and can build up and cause harm. I was not impressed with her recommendation. I was also eating loads of carrots at the time (one of the few veggies I could eat) which contain beta-carotene and converts to Vitamin A. In your case, I would ignore this parameter.

Regarding the dysbiosis, it isn't necessary for a test to uncover this. Statistically a large number of IBS sufferers will have dysbiosis. I took Alflorex probiotic which has been scientifically studied for IBS, helped me greatly by helping to kick into touch the bad bug I had in my gut (from food poisoning many years ago) and made me more tolerant to different foods.

The best thing is to have as varied diet as possible. For IBS sufferers this also means finding something (probiotics, medication, Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app etc.) to help control symptoms enough to increase diet variety. Having a more varied diet should help increase vitamin and mineral levels in the body to help support functions such as the immune system (theoretically, including Secretory IgA). Nature is supposed to provide us with everything that our bodies need. The challenge with IBS is to get symptoms under control enough so that we can get this natural, varied diet inside of us to help us with the IBS in the long run. A varied diet also increases bacterial diversity, which helps to shift the balance of bugs in the gut to the good ones and help improve IBS symptoms.

Taking supplements long term is also not advised (unless for example you know you are deficient in something - I take calcium citrate which is a highly absorbable form of calcium, since I am unable to tolerate dairy, the main source of calcium in the diet). The body knows how to extract vitamins and minerals from food, but taking these in their pure form can have unintended consequences. For example, it has been found that taking high doses of vitamin C, can stop the natural cell die off process that our bodies need. This means that there can end up being a build up of old cells, which could ultimately increase risk of cancer.

From my own stand point I wish I'd known about Alflorex sooner since I could have saved myself a lot of money on non clinically proven tests. The outcome from the testing and all the things that I tried to correct some of the parameters, made my condition far worse.

GKT1969 profile image
GKT1969 in reply to xjrs

thank you so much for such a informative and detailed response, it’s much appreciated. I am unable to eat much in fact I am so thin it’s heartbreaking. I had a small portion of chicken and a fruit bar yesterday and today my colon is full of loose stool with undigested food. 6 bowel movements so far but no relief. It’s as if I had not been. I’m desperate to feel normal and have decent food for just one day. My nutritionist advised a carnivore diet as vegetables did not help. I wake up each morning dreading the day ahead. I rest my laptop across my naval all day to push stool out but I can go 20 times in a day and still no relief. My life is like a bad dream so I’m clinging to any information that might bring about a small amount of comfort. I try and eat a varied diet but nothing works. I have all of the supplements and elemental formulas and goodness knows what else just trying to feel better. I would like to go on a more prescriptive direct plan so any further progressive steps you can advise would be so much appreciated. Glad to have met you on this forum my friend

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to GKT1969

Sorry to hear about the position that you are in. In my situation there wasn't anything that I could eat that wouldn't cause IBS pain.

Your GP should be helping you with your symptoms. In fact, going back to basics, have you had all the standard GP tests (blood and stool samples) and been given a formal IBS diagnosis by ruling out other things? If not, I would get this done immediately.

Your GP can also do other tests to check that you are digesting foods properly - for example fecal elastase test will check that you are digesting proteins correctly. However, note that enzyme insufficiency is a rare condition.

Have you tried all the usual IBS remedies? I'd suggest trying things in this order:

1. Try a clinically proven probiotic such as Alflorex for 3 months.

2. If over time probiotics make your condition far far worse, ask for a GP referral to a gastro to discuss the possibility of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). This is a rare condition and not as frequent as therapists tell you. It has a distinct set of causes (I have this list if you need it - let me know). If the cause isn't fixed, it will keep coming back. I wouldn't allow any therapist to tackle this for you - only a trained medical professional such as a gastroenterlogist. My therapists misdiagnosed me and I ended up in your shoes loosing far too much weight unnecessarily. In fact, I became a shadow of myself and totally lost confidence, which isn't like me.

3. If probiotics don't work and they don't make your condition much much worse (following a period of adjustment), ask your GP for a dietitian referral for the FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet. FODMAPs are good for you and feed your microbiome so ideally its best to consume as many as you are able.

4. Failing all of the above ask for a test for BAM (bile acid malabsorption) from your GP. This is a different condition to IBS but has similar symptoms.

In the mean time, you could try the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app. It might help to calm your system down. As a minimum it might help you cope with the situation better, reducing your stress levels and it can't do any harm.

To help you regain some weight, can you tolerate white jasmine rice? It is pure calories and is only digested in the small intestine, leaving no residue for the colon. Also extra virgin olive oil. This is great for your health and adds significant calories, but go slowly in case it makes you more loose.

GKT1969 profile image

thanks again for the reply. I have all of the tests and they all came back normal so was diagnosed with IBSD. That said I feel both constipated and have diarrhea as well so even more problematic. I have seen several gastroenterologists and all came to the same conclusion. I see another one tomorrow. Thanks for the advice I will try that brand of probiotic. I’ve been on the Fodmap diet for a while but it’s not improved things. My condition seems to get worse every day. I have some antidepressants on hand that I have resisted so far due to suicidal thoughts last time I was on them. But I’m so low and desperate it might be worth another try. I don’t really know what to do anymore if I’m honest. But thank you for taking your time to help me. It’s greatly appreciated

Glitterpants profile image

I had stool tests done by Invivo last year on the advice of my nutrionist. The results showed caloprotein levels were normal but high levels on Zonulin. Nutionist recommended I take probiotic for a leaky gut & cut out gluten. The probiotics made me feel worse & my GP said he didnt know what Zonulin did or leaky gut & to stop taking the supplements. I am not celiac but have felt better cutting out gluten. Medical drs do not recognise leaky gut.

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