i have suffered IBS for 10 years but now its ruling my life. if i go out i dont eat i cant go for a meal been to doctors offered me an anti depressant . weird. i need help with my diet i think i just want my life back
IBS problems: i have suffered IBS for 10 years... - IBS Network
IBS problems

Do you know what your triggers are? First step would be to find out what they are by keeping a wellness diary this will help to identify what your triggers are and learning what works for you have a read about the dairy here theibsnetwork.org/blog/how-...
There may be other factors that are linked to your symptoms that have nothing to do with food, ie stress, anxiety life style factors, work. Taking medications, may well not be the answer.
Taking medications and diet, lifestyle changes ect will help but once you have discovered your triggers, there may be something causing them that you are not aware of and then you can start to look at what works for you diet or medication and self-management. A healthy diet isn’t always the solution some parts of that healthy diet may be a trigger food for you. Have a look at this factsheet here IBS (bda.uk.com)
Have you downloaded our take control booklet? theibsnetwork.org/blog/down...
If you are a member of The IBS Network Have a look at the range of details factsheets on our website Fact Sheets | The IBS Network
Have you looked at and worked through the self-care programme? There is a huge amount of information on there re symptoms and medications The Self Care Programme | The IBS Network Log in as a member for full access.
i have nothing to set off my IBS as it is every single day sometimes i have not finished eating and need to rush to toilet. i dont know why i have been put on anti depressants in fact i not took them yet
Has your GP considered Bile Acid Malabsorption? As you are having to use the loo when or straight after eating, this might be something to ask about.
Have you ever modified your diet or do you just whatever...
You'll have been given that antidepressant in a very low dose, in the hope it slows your motility therefore giving your body more time to absorb the water.The dose will be far to low to have any antidepressant effect. Try it for a week and see.
Hi.Sorry to hear your struggling so much
I have ibs, and worry everyday about being constipated like I was a couple of months back, really bad experience.
You sound anxious every waking moment and that will make matters worse, it's all linked to our digestive system, that's why the doc maybe gave you ADs.
Once you've calmed down, hopefully your ibs will too, enough for you to get some kind of life back . ADs won't cure it, but they will help you in this horrible situation .
Like the advice from above, just try them, see what happens, you've nothing to lose.
Good luck, and hope you get to a happier place xx
hello, i am a herbalist and may be able to help you for free if I can use you as a case study. Otherwise, I would recommend watching some videos from gojiman on YouTube who is another nutritionist who deals with these issues. I on the whole believe that antidepressants are negative things but they have been used in low doses to help with IBS - not for their antI-depressant properties. However, in my experience there is always a herbal alternative. Best wishes, Catherine
I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with IBS for 10 years and it's now affecting your quality of life. It's important to note that IBS can be a chronic condition and requires a long-term approach to management.
While anti-depressants can sometimes be used to manage IBS symptoms, there are many other approaches that can be effective, including changes to your diet and lifestyle. This blog might help you take control of your IBS casadesante.com/blogs/diges...
Hi Chaffcombe,
I take a low dose (25mg) of Amitriptyline which in larger doses is an antidepressant. I’ve taken it for about 4 months and it has completely turned my life around. I was really bad with ibs-d and was too frightened to go out in the end, it was awful. Over a period of years I had lost a stone in weight as every time I had a bad attack I would lose more weight. Since I’ve been taking the Amitriptyline I have regained all of the weight that took me years to lose. Hopefully I can keep being prescribed these tablets as I couldn’t bear to go back to how I was. Take the ones you have been prescribed and good luck.
In the first instance, try Alflorex for a 3 month trial, which has been scientifically studied for IBS.
Failing that, ask for a dietitian referral for the FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet.
If neither of those help ask for a test for BAM (bile acid malabsorption).