I had a blocked intestine and had the Illium section (which recycles bile) removed in an emergency operation. This has now resulted in cramps and diarrhoea which is controlled with cholestramine powder. This binds the bile which is making its way into the large intestine and causing the upset. It is said that we need bile to digest fats. The brain particularly needs fats. Perhaps there is nothing else for it, but I hoped to control the diarrhoea with slippery elm. Has anyone else noticed a change in that powder which no longer gels? It is no use to me.
Illium Removal Causing Diarrhoea: I had a... - IBS Network
Illium Removal Causing Diarrhoea
Really sorry to read your situation, and hope you can find a good workaround.
Funny I've just posted a question on how to take Colestyramine (but I don't know the cause of my problem just the original trigger)
I guess you should try taking it as per your medical team directives?
The tricky thing I'm thinking is how to titrate it against the food you are eating, and when exactly to take it which is the point I'm mystified on.
Presumably the liver and gallbladder try to release roughly the right about of bile into the gut from feedback signals, but there is presumably always an excess recycled back to the liver via the bloodstream. And, that is the bit to mop up with Colestyramine? to avoid upset to the large intestine.
I guess unpleasant Colestyramine side effects might perhaps be because the dose and timing isn't right(?). No idea though if it is realistic to be able to "get it right".
In your case you have lost the recycling part of the process, so Colestyramine sounds a good move in theory.
Technically can slippery elm do the same? or help. Have you asked if you can take both?
Wishing you well,
Although Slippery Elm is soothing and healing for inflamed tissue in the gut, it isn't a "specific" herb to help control diarrhea. If your IBS/diarrhea isn't caused by any inflammation, it might not be as effective as you wished.
It seems that your cause is bile acid malabsorption as you explained. In which case the best treatment is the bile acid binder. Isn't that helping at all?
Depending on the cause, there are other herbs that can help with diarrhea but may or may not be suitable for you. I don't know if they would work or not alongside Cholestyramine.
Not a herb, but I take psyllium after meals, and Colestyramine before (the Colestyramine from Mayo clinic recommendation you can read online, but they give no other info or reasoning)
As your bike acid goes round in circles returning via the bloodstream and liver, there would seem to be several interfaces that could go wrong, so without a proper diagnosis I think I could be getting it all wrong. The GP can't get me a good/useful referral (I guess because of the location, unless I move house to change area and GP . . . )
Best wishes,