I had my gallbladder out in July 2023 ever since then I've had problems diagnosed with divirticulitis and severe ibs with diarrhoea and immflammation in my bowel.I would like to know if anybody else has had same trouble after gallbladder removal
Gallbladder removal divirticulitis and severe ... - IBS Network
Gallbladder removal divirticulitis and severe ibs diarrhoea

Hi, I was diagnosed with IBS in 2003. I had my gallbladder removed in 2021 and my symptoms escalated. I had three colonoscopies, 1 which showed ulcers in my TI. Biopsies came back normal. My recent Colonoscopy showed inflammation in the TI area. I had two capsule endoscopies which showed ulcers. I have elevated calprotectin levels and I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's last months. My consultant believes that I've always had Crohn's and I believe that since having my gallbladder out it has triggered my symptoms. What is causing the causing the inflammation in your bowel? Is it Diverticulitis?
Yes I believe mu gallbladder surgery has also triggered all of this .gastro is now saying that I'm constipated and it's overflow diarrhoea. I can assure you I'm definatly not constipated .I had my appointment yesterday and I'm really angry .I saw 2 different doctors again and each new doctor tells me something different .I'm afraid I littaraly just shut down at the appointment .they have said I had an infection .they are retesting my calproctien levels .I'm just so upset I've been backward and forwards for months now .
have you been checked for bile acid malabsorption (by sehcat scan or sometimes by trialling of meds)?
No .I had my appointment with gastro yesterday 2 new doctors of course .I never see the same one and they all say something different .I'm more confused than ever .this doctor says I'm constipated and I got overflow diarrhoea. I can assure you I'm not constipated. I just shut down this time at appointment as I couldn't get a word in edgeways anyway .I started to cry .I found them quite intimidating. So just came out being told I need to take laxatives .there going to do another calproctien test .my last tests showed divirticulitis and immflamation in my bowel .I know I'm not constipated I've lost over 2 stone and had diarrhoea that's been so bad I've been goung 15 times a day it's been absolutely ridiculous .I should be bunged up to the eyeballs with my medication but I'm not .even when there nothing left to poo out I still have the urge to go and poo blood and mucus .he said he read my notes but clearly didn't absorb the information .just so confused .
Are you having treatment for Crohns? these sound like active crohns symptoms
No not been treated for crohns .my friend has that she said the same .but gp said they done multiple testing and I have divirticulitis and severe IBS .clearly they haven't tested everything cause they still testing me .so am confused .different doctors are trying different things and I don't see the same gastro doctors twice in a row .
hello I had mine removed about 7 years ago. Yes to the stomach cramps with any food good or bad. I now take one sachet of quantalan every day because I had BAM (bile acid malabsorption, consequences of GB removal.
Ask your Dr for a SEHCAT test to see if you have BAM. Since taking quantalan life without a GB is relatively normal.
I hope you get some answers
He mentioned something about a tablet to swallow and it checks how fast your bowel is moving I'd that the same thing you are talking about ? He quietly said something about bile .by then I'd shut down really .thankyou for your help .I've put my sample in anyway so we see what comes of that .Take care thankyou so much 💓
Yes that’s the test I swallowed a pill etc …
I was borderline but still managed to get the medicine to cure the stomach pains and horrendous diarrhoea etc…
I really really hope you manage to get it as I would really struggle daily without it. But I literally can carry on as normal now.
Good luck Victoria
Wow really well that's actually given me some hope .I will ask about it .Thankyou so much and thankyou for reading all my messages and taking the time to reply .did you have high calproctien levels aswell ? They are retesting me for that .I know it all takes time .I've been having problems over a year now .some people on here have gone much longer .I hope I'm not waiting to long again
Hi no I didn’t have high calproctien I did test for this.
But I did this year test positive for SIBO. (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). A very simple breath test I was given a course of anti biotics but as yet haven’t been retested to ensure has gone. My consultant showed no concern though.
Don’t give up keep pushing sometimes the dr doesn’t have immediately all the answers sometimes I have told my Dr what I thought and he has listened as we know our bodies better than anyone.
So keep pushing let me know how you get on.
Thanks Victoria 😊
Bless you .I will let you know how I get on .I don't expect it will be quick though .I don't think the last gastro appointment doctor wanted to listen to anything I had to say .The 2 I had before him were lovely and did try and help and I have a lovely GP .she got me the emergency appointment which I think was someones cancellation actually as an urgent app still usually takes a few weeks if not longer .Anyway goodbye for now .I am pleased you are sorted .it's hope for me and for that I'm grateful 🙏 😊
You might benefit from a course of antibiotics. I had my gallbladder removed earlier this year and needed antibiotics for a while. The antibiotics put paid to all the bad symptoms. I am now feeling great and my bowel is behaving itself.Good luck.
They wouldn't give me antibiotics my GP said it would make it worse and gave me peppermint capsules instead .which took ages to work and I got a rash behind my ears and really bad indigestion had peppermint oozing from every pore in my body they also made my heart racey but they did eventually stop the urgency to poo .I still had diarrhoea though excessively even the imodium didn't stop that .I doubled up on all to try stop the diarrhoea plus dihyracodiene so I should have been bunged up to the eye balls however that's not the case by end of day I was pooing blood .I even watched a film on netflix on my phone sat on the toilet as no sooner did I pull my knickers up I needed to go again .I've been on and off like this for 4 months .I get a break for a day or two and the process starts again .diarrhoea has been yellow but it normal colour now
Sorry to hear this.Sometimes people have bad diarrhoea after gall bladder removal which settles in about 3 months in most cases. My gallbladder was removed due to bouts of cholecystitis, which is treated with intravenous antibiotics in hospital. I was close to having sepsis. A post surgery infection meant I needed more antibiotics.All these antibiotics seems to have sorted my bowel problems for now, which I had suffered from for many many years. If your problem is diverticulitis or a bowel infection antibiotics might help. If your problems continue see a GP again, and ask if you have an infection which might need antibiotics or ask for a second opinion. It could be your body reacting to the bile no longer stored in your gall bladder which might settle in time.
so sorry to hear about your issues and the doctors not listening to you. I was recently told I have multiple gall stones and my GP is referring me to a surgeon. Probably explains the excess gas and abdominal bloating I’m getting. Now I am very nervous to have my gall bladder removed! I hope you feel better soon.