Hi everyone. Just need to talk to someone who understands. Ive had IBS since my 20s and I’m 84 now. On and off over the years mostly caused by stress. This latest attack started with really bad Diarrhea and then days of no BM . Saw Dr and was given macrogol sachets which worked over the next few days and I passed a normal BM yesterday. I’m so worried and feel dreadful because the dull stomach ache is still there night and day. Taking painkillers and hot water bottle helps but I’ve never had it lasting this long. Sorry to go on so. My love to anyone going through this awful illness.
My IBS lasting over a couple of weeks. Worried. - IBS Network
My IBS lasting over a couple of weeks. Worried.

Hi, I have had IBS since I was 27/28, I'm 64 now. It has been daily since my son was born 30 years ago! I just can't seem to get the better of it anymore. I spend most days in pain and rarely leave the house now! I also believe that I have fibromyalgia and TMJD now as well, although not been diagnosed. Something happened when COVID first reared it ugly head. I think my husband caught it, but it was very mild, except for the fact that he had trouble doing his usual bike rides for about a period of say 3 months. He seemed go be back to normal with no after effects. I think I may have caught COVID from him without any particular symptoms but it seemed to change my IBS and ramped up the Fibro and TMJD. When I read about people with long COVID, it seems to sound very similar to what I am experiencing!
Yes, though I was better from IBS during my Covid infection early 2020, it seems that a few weeks later it returned and really set in as a more constant thing. I live in hope that possibly time might start to heal a little. There may be signs of that with me (we live in hope!)
Yes, I think we all have to keep hoping, but sometimes it gets the better of us. Over the years I have tried to treat it as challenge but that is beginning to wear a bit thin now. 😊 But I will keep on fighting it because what else can we do! Personally I think there should be a Dignitas on each high street and you could just pop in and make an appointment when life gets too hard. It would just be there if it all got too much!
Yes, I know. It gets the better of me too when in the middle of a flare. Then I'm just on 'survival mode' and adrenalin I think. It is pretty horrible for us all isn't it? I think that now my biggest ambition in life is just 'feeling like my normal self for as long as humanly possible',
Yes, I know that feeling, at present I am only feeling like me for about 4 hours a week! It's all a bit scary! I went out for a ride in the car with my husband (I don't drive) about a month ago and was feeling like my old self. When we got home he said that it was nice to have the old me back again for a while. It didn't last long though because I came over funny again after about an hour after getting home! Until about two years or so ago (about when COVID started) if I got it right, I would be fine for the rest of the day but that doesn't seem to happen anymore!
I'm sorry you are feeling horrible right now. It sounds like you had a bad flare up. Yes, a bad flare can linger a litlle bit for days, or even a week or two. I find that sometimes too....it's like the worst of the flare passes, but leaves my tummy feeling so sensitive, and reactive to foods, stress etc.
Maybe it was because you couldn't go for days, that you are feeling the after effects of it re: the tummy ache. It can be like a bruised feeling inside, and like something is moving around, and when it does, it hurts. I hope you will steady out soon. I also hope the stress that caused the flare has passed, or is getting a bit better?
All the best to you.
I feel for you because I know what it feels like mine lasted for months I felt very depressed with it ! The doc has now prescribed me eith some antidepressants seem to be helping ! I was exactly like you lower pain hot water bottle on my stomach thought the pain would never go and then when it did I would be waiting for it !! Ibs is terrible it was frightening me ! Hope you feel better soon !
I am assuming you have had formal diagnosis of IBS. I suffer from it too and am 48, and have had it on/off for the last 20 years. My mum is early 70s, thought she was having a bad flare up last week and was admitted to hospital as very poorly and dehydrated and turns out she has diverticular disease not IBS which she thought she had ! Still trying to get her sorted out a week on in hospital. Many conditions can have overlapping symptoms, IBD/IBS, diverticular disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's it always worth getting a full check up at hospital
I sympathise as i am going through an ibs flare at present. I am 79 and have suffered these horrid stomach problems for many years. I have also got fibro which i understand causes tum symptoms.
I get these flares on a regular basis every week or two. I rarely have a good appetite as i often feel nauseous etc.,
I have spent pounds and hours of research on trying to get to the cause, including writing a food diary everyday for about 40yrs. I suffer from anxiety and find the two problems seem to irritate each other. I need to just accept how i am but its difficult as i like to enjoy the busy life i lead.
hi Maureen, I so understand and hate it for you! I am 71 and have had INS ( and whatever else unidentified functional bowel disorder or enzyme malfunction ) for my whole life. About 3 years ago I began to get periods of relief from staying on FODMAP diet, taking Linzess , senna, adding Fodzyme to to trigger foods, adding fiber ( in Fodmap approved sources, drinking more water, taking peppermint w each meal , and daily miralax AND metamucil ). To finally gain some bit of symptom control is such a relief. Periodically, I still have “attacks) yet have some relief from daily “hell” of the bloat , constipation, abdominal pain. No Doctor has ever provided one bit of help. I read and researched for many, many hours to get this far. FODMAP diet parameters are on You Tube. I wish you to the best! Don’t give up-sincerely BEH
Thank you for your kind message. I am more D than C. My theory is that I have BAM (Bile Acid Malabsorption). I was tested about 4 years ago (the SeHCAT test - you do not use that test in the US) but didn't meet the criteria to have the opportunity to try a bile sequestrant (which may or may not help!). I am still working on that! But I am curious about Fodzyme, although I don't think my problem is FODMAPS. Does it seem to work for you?!
Really feel you should go back to your GP just to get fully checked out as could be other things going on, i.e. diverticular disease, etc., as someone else has mentioned.
Thank you all for your caring messages. Don’t feel so alone and worried as I was. Dare I say it but think it’s easing up quite a bit. I could cry with relief. Hope all of us suffering get pain free soon. Lots of love to you all xxx
hello i have ibs and got to the point it was really affecting every opportunity i had to go anywhere. There have been times i had diarrhoea 5 times in 45 minutes and left me in agony for the rest of a day. And times where i have had sudden need to go and almost vomited or soiled myself. I have recently resorted to hypnotherapy at home and it has been a miracle for me i dont know if it works the same for everyone but i have listened to it for 9 days solid and have seen the biggest improvement of my life. I pray it will last. If you dont want to pay for hypnotherapy there is a lot of free hypnotherapy for IBS on youtube , i personally paid a small amount for mine at a site called uncommon knowledge. May be worth a look. Hope you can get some relief soon, perhaps you could do with speaking to your doctor again if the pain persists all the best