Why does it make me think I am getting gradually better, just to come back for no apparent reason?
For a few weeks now I have been 80% normal. Just a little bit of lower abdo. distension sometimes in the evenings, which hasn't really been much of a problem. BM's normal, and healthy like the old days . Why? I really don't know.
So I started trying to expand my diet a tiny little bit, including a portion of peeled fruit before breakfast. I could also eat celery again, and avocado. I went carefully with this, but all was well. I even bought black grapes (2 for a reduced price from Tesco) three weeks running and had a portion peeled every morning.
I waited for any issues but there weren't any. It was nice. I was on 4 portions of fruit and veg a day again and was actually feeling really good. Looking forward to getting that back to 5 a day.
Then one morning I just felt tired though I'd slept okay I thought. And a tiny bit dizzy, and my appetite wasn't as strong. Wanted to pee more. I had a couple of weird dreams. But my gut was still pretty calm.
But the IBS came back a day later. Not dramatic, just loose stools (5) again. No pain and not even remarkable bloating. Only a tiny bit..Not even producing much wind. No other bad signs in stools. Just loose.
I was eating exactly the same foods as I'd been eating happily for a few weeks. Mostly my usual foods cooked simply here at home, and nothing new, dodgy, spicy etc. I'd had no unusual stress.
Why does the gut suddenly turn like that for no obvious reason? I can't find out what any triggers might be. It's like my gut suddenly can't absorb enough water again and I don't know why.
I am lucky as not in pain or horrible suffering. Just baffled.