Contraceptive Pill or Long Covid Symptoms?! - IBS Network

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Contraceptive Pill or Long Covid Symptoms?!

JT1992 profile image
9 Replies

I had Covid in March (first time), and also swapped my contraceptive pill. Since the end of March, i have been having an IBS flare up which i can't get control of. Urgency, D, cramping and bloating everyday.. It's causing me a lot of anxiety which i know is not going to help

I have been doing my research on both the contraceptive pill and Covid affecting your digestion and causing problems. But i have been advised to give the pill 3 months to let it settle.

Has anyone experienced any IBS problems post covid?

Another note, has anyone with IBS D tried CBD oil?

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JT1992 profile image
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9 Replies
Pumpkin2009 profile image

I had Covid November 2020 and it definitely exasperated my stomach, intestinal problems and heart arrythmias. The constant urgent diarrhea has been crazy. and so hard to deal with. I also have not gained back my sense of taste and smell. Almost a year and a half now. My GP has referred me to an immunologist/allergist, but I keep delaying because I feel like there aren't any answers. Also, I have lupus so who knows what is what in any of this. I don't know about the birth control, but could even be a combination. I do believe that Covid for some of us plays into are already weak areas. I know this is much help, but you are not alone. I understand the anxiety because we have no control over this at all. There have been a couple of times where I felt maybe it wasn't as severe and getting better and then not so. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope you get some answers soon.

Healing hugs.

JT1992 profile image
JT1992 in reply to Pumpkin2009

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am sorry to hear you are struggling. Are you still having digestive problems a year and a half later?

Pumpkin2009 profile image
Pumpkin2009 in reply to JT1992

Yes, I am still having digestive problems a year and a half later, especially intestinal. Very frustrating to say the least. I always had some, but much more intense after Covid. After reading other replies you have gotten, it seems to be more common than we are made aware of especially if there are other contributing factors like an autoimmune disease. What is causing what? My husband brought Covid home after being with family members who also got it. I did not go out, but obviously that did not protect me. They all recovered with no lingering affects including his 91 year old mother thank goodness. Another issue I have is cold intolerance that seems to cause instant exhaustion/fatigue which could be from lupus as well. Just no way to separate what is what. I am glad you posted because others are responding which may help all of us at least not feel so alone.

Healing hugs.

Maureen1958 profile image

Hi, I posted this recently to somebody else, I don't know if this will be of use but thought I would let you know of my experience. I wondered if I had Covid way back when it all kicked off without knowing it. My husband thinks he might have had it because he had met with friends who had been abroad and then went down with it. He woke up in the middle of night feeling like he was having trouble breathing. He didn't wake me because he didn't want to worry me. Next morning he was fine but did find he was getting out of breath when going out for his bikes rides immediately after this. It took about 2/3 months before he got back to normal! So it makes me wonder if I might have had it with no symptoms and that is what is causing the worsening of my IBS! I have had IBS for over 35 years and have always just about kept my head above water, but at present, I feel like I am drowning. I have generally had pain, or feeling sick or just the urgency to go to the loo. One of these wound have been the more predominant one for that particular day and I would try to do the right thing for that particular day. But now I am finding that I get all three symptoms together but they all seem so much stronger and basically I don't know which way to turn! It's like someone has turned up the volume and I just can't win anymore. The pain is so much worse than it was!

Luisa22 profile image

I'd had a few 'shots over the bows' warnings about IBS since 2017 but they were few and far between. But I got what I now know in hindsight, was an IBS -D flare about 3 weeks before I got Covid in March 2020. When I had Covid my gut was ok! I remember almost with affection the lentil soups with onion which I could eat....

But about 6 weeks after recovery the IBS really set in. So I don't know how much Covid affected it or not. My guess is it made it worse. All tests I had done revealed nothing wrong clinically.

Dolly32 profile image

Yep, my ibs has been a million times worse since having covid last summer. Depressing!

Altho I do also find my ibs is a lot worse during my period, or just before, so could be a factor for you?

Top tip after a lot of google time for anyone that suffers from ibs-d during periods, or just anyone that has bowel issues at that time - take ibuprofen every 4 hours as directed for two days befire your period starts. Changed everything.

th1976 profile image

Hi, I also posted about my IBS being worse after Covid last year. It is slowly improving but mainly because I am being really careful about what I eat. Even more than usual. I have Covid last September and it has taken a good 6 months to calm down. I haven't tried CBD oil but I am on citalopram for IBS. Covid did muck up my periods for a few months. I thought I was entering the pre menopause but I think it was Covid.

ScottishDad profile image

I tried CBD tablets I did not find it helped me at all. Would do no harm trying, what you got to loose!

Good luck and take care hope you start to feel better soon.

JT1992 profile image

Thank you everyone. It does seem like Covid has played a part in some of our IBS experiences. And i guess it does make sense, any sort of viral infection and affect your digestive system.. i just didnt know if could carry on after! But if people are getting long-covid in general then i guess we can all be affected differently.. Although bitter sweet, it is good to know that i am not alone. I have gone out and bought a CBD Vape.. I was advised that using a vape should be better than drops if you have a sensitive digestive system. I am hoping that if i can gain a bit more control over my anxiety, then i might be able to manage with the IBS a little better. It's a viscous cycle! Thank you everyone for your help :)

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