I have just purchased a bottle of milk of magnesia for my IBS C. When do most people take it, as it says it works between 30mins and 6 hours? I’m nervous of taking it at night now for obvious reasons. Thank you.
Milk of Magnesia: I have just purchased a bottle... - IBS Network
Milk of Magnesia

Blimey, I thought that had been discontinued. My mum used to take it. She usually took it at night before going to bed. She used it when she hadn't been for a couple of days and it seemed to work for her.
Wow, Milk of Magnesia sounds so old-fashioned. Have you tried something like docusate or MiraLAX?
Heavens a blast from the past...... My mum used to take that if she had indigestion, if she had constipation she used to say a couple of hot cups of tea would do the trick😁
ibs is a disorder involving the muscles of the colon. Mine contract and will not relax, very painful spasms. I take bentyl for this. It helps, but not a cure. Milk of Magnesia is a laxative that also relaxes muscles and makes liquid in the colon. Usually causing diarheaa, but who cares when you're hurting.
I find buscopan good for spasms and the doc prescribed lactose for my constipation. It used to work, but lately it still works but gives me cramps, so I avoid it. It is a last resort.
Buscopan is only recommended for diagnosed IBS because it relaxes the muscles in the colon and slows down the action! If there is constipation, that;s not helping! I have been trying Silicogel, which is supposed to help, but early days. Too much Magnesium can cause loose stools, and many people are deficient in magnesium, so maybe upping that at night might help, there is a magnesium oils sparay to rub into the skin too.
Ive been taking it for several years...at bedtime, and it works in the morning. It is currently widely available again in pharmacies and supermarkets though it was unavailable for a while and we were buying it from Ireland. It is gentle and has the advantages of being easy to titrate.
hi, m of m is the only thing I ever take for my constipation. I only ever take 15ml at the most, about 9pm or before bed. always works next morning. Just try small dose at first to see what suits you, too much will cause diarrhea
It is still widely available in the UK. I'm just about to buy some from Boots. Its good for tummy upsets but I want to try it for my IBS. Otherwise its a trip to the GP in case this is a diverticular flare up.
Take the smallest dose late at night, it should work by the morning
Thank you everyone for your advice, here’s hoping!
That's an old indigestion remedy from the seventies. homes always had a bottle in the bathroom or in kitchen some here. I dont think it will help IBS in any way, Its for the old fashioned indigestion we got as kids running around after meals. Its good for coating the stomach lining, but if you have IBS the above medicne will have no effect as it was never meant to be an antispasmodic.
Take it at night time and have a hot drink . I’ve taken it since a child and it does work . . But now I take laxido. But find that doesn’t work as well .
Thanks for your reply. How much did you take at night please?
I take two 5 ml teaspoons so 10 mls so try that . You can take more but I would try 10 mls to start with I’m 66 and had a operation on my bowel at 2 and that’s what surgeon told my mum to use for me . It does work but might take a few days . But now I’ve got other problems but still take it when I have upset tummy .
I was talking it too. It did work but my gastro dr has me taking ground flax seeds or flax seed meal. Omg it’s wonderful being able to poop. Lol. Even the hemorrhoids have settled down and they were nasty!!!! Spent hours with an ice pack on my ass