Has anyone found covid has triggered their ibs?
Covid: Has anyone found covid has triggered... - IBS Network

I noticed that after my first vax in March 21, i be became very fatigued and by August abdominal pain become unbearable. No improvement.

Thank you for your reply ..i have had covid for two weeks and ibs pain since then
Hi. I developed rumbling noises in stomach the second day I got diagnosed with Covid. I still have to this day
I got Covid Nov. 2020 and still have lingering symptoms including intestinal and stomach issues and lack of taste and smell. Already having stomach and intestinal issues, Covid attacked those areas. Now over a year, still much worse than before Covid so the answer is yes. It is interesting because I did not go out. My husband brought it home and his symptoms were different and no gastric ones, did not lose his taste or smell, not heart issues. He recovered in 2 weeks. I have not. I also had lupus and other problems. Covid seems to me to attack areas that we already have struggles with. Take care.
Healing hugs.
I think it might have done but am not sure. I first had IBS like symptoms for a week in 2018 when I felt like I'd caught some weird flu. But before that I had 2 incidents in July and October 2017 when my gut "wasn't right" for 1 day each time.
So after that one-week thing in 2018 I was fine until early March 2020 when IBS d came, went, came back for 3 weeks. It was April 2nd when I came down with Covid, nearly one month later after the IBS symptoms started.
When I had Covid my gut was okay!
So either I had Covid before I thought I did...or what??
But it was six weeks after recovery from Covid that the IBS really set in and hasn't gone away since except for times of "remissions" which can be days or weeks.
So not 100% sure if Covid triggered it or not.
Hi ive got covid at present and im sure its triggering my ivds worse thqn ever its painful i feel for you