I had my Covid booster jab yesterday,my ibs was settling down ,but has got worse since I had it.Has anybody else experienced this ?
Covid booster: I had my Covid booster jab... - IBS Network
Covid booster

It's included in scientific reports on COVID vaccine side effects. I suggest you complete a brief mhra yellow card report
I had two jabs, and and my IBS flared up both times. Since then my it never really settled. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I am sure it has a connection
I swear my constipation problem started soon after having the Covid and flu vaccinations last time
I had covid year before last and it affected my ibs. I was in the toilet all the time. It has been really bad ever since. Can't even go out when it's bad.
Same here, I had covid early on in the pandemic and my symptoms were primarily ibs-type flare up plus joint/muscle pain and fatigue, which lasted for a few weeks. (Though I did have ibs milder before that too)
thank you for your replies,I had Moderna for the first time yesterday,I’ve had aatrazenaca and Pfizer,with no ibs problems
I had a bad flare up of IBS after having the Moderna booster so refuse to have any more. I too had Astre Zeneca for my two original vaccines for Covid and was fine.
It is likely, I do want to detail here because I dont want to spook anyone, but I had a seismic problem after my Covid booster ....and it was definitely that. People obviously react differently,.I hope it settles down for you.
Hiya, I was fine when I initially had my first two covid vaccines which were Astra Zeneca. I then had the Pfizer covid vaccines as boosters and after the first one I have slowly been diagnosed with multiple health conditions including inflammatory bowel disease and collagenous colitis, which causes prefuse diahorrea I had this for 17 months before diagnosis. I have also been diagnosed with a lung condition and moderate heart failure. I was only 49 when diagnosed with them all and I personally wonder if there is a link with the Pfizer Covid vaccine. I unfortunately work for the NHS so am encouraged to have the covid vaccine to protect myself and the patients. So I am in a no win situation as such. Plus my GP has me in a vulnerable category do have to be regularly vaccinated for Covid and flu. I believe there may be a link with a lot of conditions with regard to the vaccines but I guess it may never be proven. I do hope that your IBS settles a little in time. You are definately not alone
Hi I’m sorry to hear about your health problems,because I have Lupus a autoimmune disease and a lung condition I’m advised to have it,but I sometimes wonder if I’m doing the right thing having the jab, and my anxiety disorder doesn’t help ibs either.I wish you all the best ,
I would not have any vaccinations since the covid plandemic. Dare I say my gut instinct told me not to trust this covid stuff and I refused this one, and seems I am being proven right. Just my choice cause I listened to my instinct. Each to your own.
I know,I’m beginning to have doubts,heard of someone yesterday,who since First Covid jabs,can’t eat a lot of food including eggs and strawberries,whether it was that ?
I had my doubts within the first lockdown we had. It just didnt add up to me. I have learnt a lot since then so I am more than glad I didnt fall for it. I have heard of so many people affected by the jab in so many ways. Just do not have anymore is my advice and seek to undo the one(s) that you had. Plenty of info online. It is my belief we were lied too but once again it is my opinion.
When I had my 2 covid jabs it didn't really affect me in any way at all, I've never had any more jabs after that though, I guess everyone is different