Pain relief can I ask what pain relief people ... - IBS Network

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Pain relief can I ask what pain relief people take . I suffer from slow track bowel

Readmeastory profile image
44 Replies

I get constant pain in my right side and back passage . Doctor gave me mevabine but it slowed everything down . I tried peppermint oil and buscopan , but nothing helps . I do teakettle parcetomol and doent do much . I was on constella 290 but doctor took me off that as I got low blood salts . But now pain is bad and wakes me up . Doctor has given me co codomol very low dose but it can make constipation worse . Any advice as to be honest it gets so hard to keep going . Sorry for long post 😊

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44 Replies
Meleber profile image

I use rhamnus purshiana several times a day and find it very helpful. Less aggressive for my gut than bisacodyl. Also have to watch what I eat and how much I eat at once.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Meleber

Thanks I watch what I eat no garlic onions and small portions . But lost a lot of weight as well . But it’s the pain that gets me down . So I just get tired.but thanks never heard of the items you mentioned before .but will look them up .

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to Readmeastory

For a 'slow return', I was recommend Dulcolax Adult Pico Liquid. (sodium Picsulfate ?) this works on the large bowel. I take it every 3 days to keep going. It relieves the pain too

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Tamerisk

Thanks for your help I’m on laxido every day or else I don’t go at all .

utrvevaj profile image
utrvevaj in reply to Readmeastory

Hi there I'm on laxido to. waiting to see a gatro but have a long wait. How long have you been taking this thank you

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to utrvevaj

I’ve been on and off it for 2years . Asked doctor and gastro and they said it’s safe to use long term .I’m still on waiting list for the gastro but been told not a priority so just have to wait . Got a phone call appointment on the 7oct with the doctor to review my case . How can he review my bum and stomach over the phone 🤪🤪just makes me a bit angry

utrvevaj profile image
utrvevaj in reply to Readmeastory

Yes my doctor put a letter to see a gastro in February this year. Keep ringing hospital was told it was 42 weeks wait from february still waiting it is a joke. Doctor said to keep taking laxido it is safe to take do you take them every day thank you

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to utrvevaj

Yes everyday one at night and one in the morning . And sometimes when I feel I needed to one before dinner . As just been told trial and error with it

utrvevaj profile image
utrvevaj in reply to Readmeastory

Thank you for your reply. It's been really hard to see someone since covid doctors keep saying keep taking them till you see someone.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to utrvevaj

I was referred in June so not to long ago but all I get is take more laxido or try senna . But seeing a doctor is like gold dust . I’m waiting on blood exults now and see what they say . It’s hard but we need to keep at the doctors or else we get forgotten x

utrvevaj profile image
utrvevaj in reply to Readmeastory

yes I agree all the way keep on at itx

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to Tamerisk

I was diagnosed 50 years ago with a spastic colon and a slow return. ( by one of the best practitioners in the world ) Everyone is different since this almost certainly a neurological problem of the gut. Diet might help some. It was only every a temp. change for me. Never worked for any length of time.

Also a temp help was hypnosis. so you have to keep reassessing.

Carlettejaque profile image

Sorry to hear you are struggling. I would suggest you follow the low Fodmap diet. Cut out all dairy/lactose for a couple of weeks to see if you have become intolerant to it. Mean time, cut out oats and fruit just for a few days to see if it settles the bowel. Avoid garlic, onion, cabbage , cauliflower, Brussels and peas, alcohol and anything fizzy as they are the worse things to eat and drink if you have IBS. They are high up on the low Fodmap diet sheet.Sainsburys do a very nice sweetened soy drink which you can use in tea or cooking. Use Pure as a marg spread.

The 3 biggest intolerances are dairy, wheat and yeast. I am dairy, yeast, sunflower oil and dextrose intolerant.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Thanks will try dairy free and cutting out fruit as I do eat lots of fruit I was told to eat high fibre but oats and brown bread

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Can dairy cause constipation as well . As I was tested for gluten and it came back clear

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to Readmeastory

No, dairy intolerance usually causes cramps and diarrhoea or very loose stools with bloating and wind.

casares8 profile image

Yes i have similar problem, difficult because mebervine and codeine both make the constipation worse. There seems to be nothing else but paracetomol, and drinking hot peppermint tea. Or just put a hot water bottle on the pain

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to casares8

Are you on the low fodmao diet? If so and you are still getting problems it's probably due to an intolerance. Some people can deal with high fibre foods especially if they are constipated but generally a lot of IBS sufferers who suffer with looseness and diarrhoea can't tolerate fibre at all so fruits and veggies become a problem.Medications such as Mebeverine and Buscopan slow the transit of food through the gut. If you've eaten something thats an irritant to your bowel it can stay there and cause more pain. Personally, I prefer to have things go through quickly.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Carlettejaque

Me to I’ve just got the opposite constipation . But when I was on constella I had soft stools eat to pass prefer loose stools to being bunged up .

Readmeastory profile image

Stopped meverben and just sticking to parcetomol .. and I use hot water bottle and herbal teas .😁

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to Readmeastory

have you actually seen a bowel specialist or are struggling along on your medications? guessing at the cause? There are many types of IBS, some related to GERD, and other digestive triggers. A great many to stress.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Tamerisk

Yes seen a specialist 2years ago who told me I had no cancer . But had loopy bowel and Diverticular and scar tissue which had caused a narrowing in my bowel . But he didn’t have a magic wand to help me . That wad his words and I would just have to learn to live with it . Trial and error with diet and laxatives . Even went private and gastro put me on constella 290 which help with the pain . But still neede to take laxido at night only one . Ended up in hospital with low blood salts and doctor took me off constella and put me on 3 laxido a day but no help other wise . When I asked him to be seen by gastro when I was already in hospital he said we are only interested in getting your blood salts up . Then yo have to go through your doctor to be referred to gastro clinic . So in hospital for 8 days on a drip then sent home with senna and laxido . Seen my doctor been referred but told is along waiting list due to the virus . That was in June still waiting to hear anything from gastro clinic . Blood salts still low and to be honest given up . Stopped the senna and down to 2laxido a day now . So just had enough . Sorry for long winded post .😬

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to Readmeastory

Specialist specialize! My initial examination was for a ' grumbling appendix '... Holistic medicine went out the window some years back. This is man I saw, he did a lot of lectures and publications - maybe worth investigating, if there are publications or clinics around under his guidance.;

Prof. Peter Whorwell BSc MB BS MD PhD FRCP Publications

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Tamerisk

Will have a look once my brain fog lifts .

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to Tamerisk

A Q&A with Peter Whorwell

Sweepy13 profile image
Sweepy13 in reply to Meleber

Thanks will have read

Hi I have the same pain as you basically every day for 2 years had tests still no diagnosis I’m thinking must be imbalance of gut bacteria as I take laxido so I’m not constipated but still have this pain , so I really feel for you x

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to

I think your right my gut has decided it’s had enough and just given up . Do you take any pain relief .

in reply to Readmeastory

I take paracetamol and use hot water bottles takes the pain away slightly x

Orchid99 profile image

I'm going through the same thing, slow transit colon but I also suffer overflow diarrhoea which is very painful, can barely eat a wide range of foods and lost so much weight because of it. All I want is the pain to go away, my next gastro appointment is next week and I've waited over 3 months from being told I have slow transit from my transit study to finding out what my treatment will be, I'm assuming I will be prescribed prucalopride or constella but they won't help my painful cramping attacks, the other med I've been offered is low dose amitriptyline which I'm very nervous to take because of everything I hear about what antidepressants do to you and trying to come off them but I know they help a lot of people with ibs pain.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Orchid99

I found constella helped me and although I took it for over 12 months I still had the pain but it helped me from being constipated . But since coming off it pain there every day . Bowel movements slow . I tried amitriptyline but it didn’t agree it home . I hope you get some help. I take peppermint oil capsules and buscopan . Some times I just take milk of magnesia and it helps move my bowel . Parcetomol for the pain as well but again try to only take ittwice a day .it’s hard going .

Tamerisk profile image
Tamerisk in reply to Orchid99

Dont be afraid of amitriptyline, I took one tablet 20 g for neurological spasm in my legs, for a couple of months and it worked, For depression its a much higher dose. 200 g per day?

Orchid99 profile image
Orchid99 in reply to Tamerisk

The dose they have said is 10mg to help the nerves in the gut. The pain from the spasms is why I can't eat a lot of foods because 30 minutes later I'm cramping. I'm now starting to have days where I'm not passing stool despite taking my laxative which has just started happening this week, before I was going every day with the aid of movicol, now thinking I'm going to have to up my dose as its becoming less effective at 1 sachet a day, my bowel is starting to get more lazy 😒

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Orchid99

How did you get on with your gastro appointment . Hope you got some answers and help . 😊

Orchid99 profile image
Orchid99 in reply to Readmeastory

Hi, I've been told my slow transit is in the left side of my colon and that it'd not curable and will need to be managed via a combination of medication fir pain, laxatives and low fibre diet. Not really what I wanted to hear. I've been prescribed amitriptyline, told to up my dose of movicol which I can't tolorate and given antispasmodic

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to Orchid99

Is bisacodyl or duclolax picasulphate an option? I ordered duclolax picosulphat 2,5 mg capsules in Belgium. I find bisacodyl 5 mg a bit too agressive for my colon. I might have to stop using cascara sagrada because of pigmentation of the intestinal lining. Depends on what my my new gastroenterologist will say when I speak to her next month.

Orchid99 profile image
Orchid99 in reply to Meleber

My gastro is reluctant to use stimulating laxatives because they make the bowel slower, plus he thinks it will add to the pain I already get

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to Orchid99

As far as I know there's no convincing evidence that it will make your bowel slower. My gastroenterologist has no objections that I use cascara sagrada, bisacodyl or similar products. It's true that the stimulating effect can cause pain, especially when obstipated/constipated. Therefore bisacodyl is too effective/agressive for me but cascara works good.

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology: May 2003 - Volume 36 - Issue 5 - p 386-389

"Although stimulant laxatives cause structural damage to surface epithelial cells that is of uncertain functional significance, there is no convincing evidence that their chronic use causes structural or functional impairment of enteric nerves or intestinal smooth muscle. Nor are there reliable data to link chronic use of stimulant laxatives to colorectal cancer and other tumors. The risks of laxative abuse have been overemphasized, and this has minimized their rational use by physicians. Stimulant laxatives may be used chronically when patients fail to respond adequately to bulk or osmotic laxatives alone. These can be combined with bulk or osmotic laxatives in sufficient amounts to soften the stool, or they can be used alone, according to clinical circumstances. The dose of such agents should be titrated to effect. Bisacodyl may be used if anthraquinone laxatives are unsatisfactory."

Orchid99 profile image
Orchid99 in reply to Meleber

I can go to the toilet everymorning sometimes I do miss a day on 1 sachet of movicol but continue to get horrible bubbling and pain with overflow which effects all my colon, don't know why seen as it's the left side that's slow, it's the pain and overflow that are the biggest issue for me, not the constipation, I can live with that. He did mention prucalopride but wanted to see how I got on with 2 sachets of movicol but I was getting continued bubbling, wind and stomach ache with upping it and my stool was really loose, so it's not working right. I'm going to try magnesium oxide as I've never tried it. Movicol is bad for the gut anyway, it ruins the microbiome and causes other problems, they are trying to get it banned in America.

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to Orchid99

I have IBS (C) with overflow diarrhea and know how you can feel unfortunately. In my case it's the right side that's problematic. I did use magnesiumhydroxide but also need a stimulating product so switched to cascara sagrada.

Orchid99 profile image
Orchid99 in reply to Meleber

Have you ever been prescribed prucalopride as it is a prokentic?

Meleber profile image
Meleber in reply to Orchid99

Not yet 😉

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Orchid99

That is exactly what I was told except I was put on laxido and take peppermint . And buscopan . High fibre so might and nothing they can do . Just get on with it . But I might try a bit of low fibre ,.. I’m 66 and feel the last 2years has been a nightmare as lockdown delayed everything so I was left to fend for myself . But dr has referred me to gastro again . So see what happens . Hope you get some relief 😊

Orchid99 profile image
Orchid99 in reply to Readmeastory

Thank you, its going to be a long road.

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