Has anyone tried tens machine? I have terrible pain and trapped wind IBS C and thought I'd try a tens machine. I bought a reasonably priced one and it really helps with trapped gas. Just place the contacts on your belly where you are in pain it helps to relax the colon allow gas to pass. There is also a pulsating setting that helps with slow Colon contractions and helps move things along. Glad I bought it. Just thought this info may help someone x
Tens machine: Has anyone tried tens machine? I... - IBS Network
Tens machine

I use a tense machine I don’t know if it helps but sometimes it helps with the pain . I suffer badly from constipation . And trapped wind . I put it on the small of my back and on my right side when I get paini don’t no if it takes your mind of the pain , but I use mine a lot . Only cheap from Amazon 20 ,
Thanks…..I’ve been in horrible pain now for most of the past day and a half. I am having some pain relief with a heating pad but I’ll give that a try
Hi, well I been using tens for years, but for more erotic means before moving on to made for - electro stim units. I don't like tens being used on stomach, I feel, they can exert pulls on people prone to possible hernias. Side of hips are OK, back pain etc. Some massages (not electro) are used on tummy by belt to vibrate, supposingly to lose weight etc. Tens must never be used above waist, it's the golden safety rule to stop electrical signals from possibly interefering with the hearts electrical rhythm. Always read up on these units throughly before using them. Othwise they are normally safe for many.
Erotic means ? 🤣🤣🤣x

You thinking what I'm thinking..??
We are all thinking what you’re thinking 🤣🤣😂x

Haha Pansy. Well I try and be brief, without the smut. E. Stimulation has been round a long time now, but only in the last 10 years its gone mainstream. Basically electronic signals from tens units and made for play units, can and do stimulate mens and ladies parts, which is extremely pleasurable used with different types of conductive materials. For better understanding have a read up at E-stim Systems, a UK manufacturer of the high end 2B unit. Everybody usually finds the use of a tens machine the first or second time leads to a horniness feeling after... I'm an experienced stimmer since 2008, so I know what I'm doing, please read everything on contra conditions before even thinking of trying it out!!! 👍📖
Hi drax just bought a fascia massage gun for my low back and sciatic butt pain if that doesn’t work then I may try the tens machine . At least you’ve made us laugh today 🤣x

Yes good laugh we all need👍no, them things won't work on what im talking about. Just put the two stick pads either side of a shaved labia, and choose a low power routine, pulse is better. The sensations also release endorphins the bodies natural pain killer. That's all now, don't want to get into off topic musings😎
Drax what did you say ?? A shaved labia ?? 🤣🤣🤣 OMG I’m crying x
Physiotherapists recommend TENS for shoulder and neck pain so quite ok to use above the waist and I’ve used it for years for arthritis in my neck. You have to be careful to place the pads as recommended of course. Not tried it for my IBS pain as usually use a hot water bottle but will certainly try it now.
Yes, I was using hot water bottle in bed but it didn't help much. I put my tens machine on instead and leave it on low through the night. It's not a cure all, maybe it just distracts from the pain. I'll try anything just to get some sleep.
yup. I use it on shoulders for fibromyalgia pain. My machine has a setting for shoulders, neck and back. However I dont have that sensitive erotic part. I wonder how it affects a "Prince Albert"?
I’d say if you have ibs symptoms with trapped wind make sure your tested for h p pylori! I suffered this for ages and was fobbed off with buscopan and other mussel relaxers before they found it
I'm hooked up to a tens right now! Next to the heating pad the tens unit is a best friend!!!Try getting one through your insurance. There are good ones that are in a low price range! And, get the largest pads you can!!!
Stay strong and blessed
Through insurance? How does that work. You outside UK?
If its written up as a doctor's order the insurance should cover it...It never hurts to try!
I'm USA had original tens unit covered by insurance over 30years ago!
I will try it I have a tens machine and will enlighten you the result.
Tens unit availability is different in other countries. In the UK, you can buy them from super drug, boots, amazon. UK and Ebay UK. No prescription is needed. However some countries don't have this open approach, and you need a prescription to aquire one. A good quality tens unit can be found on a UK medical equipment site called "Win health". Been buying from them for years, fast delivery, good information. Plus you can claim any vat charge at the checkout by stating the condition you have.
I've got a bunch of different tens units for pain issues. Using a Dr Ho's foot pad unit right now. But now I'm thinking about heading North!!!
Hi I've got a Puremate foot massager which came with several sets of pads but I've never used them. I've often wondered if I could use them on my belly but was never brave enough to try. I am going to give it a go on a low intensity & for just a few minutes to see if it helps with the pain. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Thank you for posting about this.
Go for it moggiedee, I've only had my tens machine for just over a week and I wouldn't be without it especially at night when I can't sleep because of pain. Just try it on low at first and position the contacts in line with your belly button and/or below. Hope it helps, let me know x