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IBS or Sibo

Paulol you have been through a lot. Do a search on "Sibo Thiamine" and also "Anti Thiamine Factors". Maybe together they will offer answers for you to help restore your health.
Thank you
Your welcome. Information on Anti Thiamine Factors is frustratingly fragmentary at best so I was happy to come across a larger grouping but it's still worthwhile to probe anyway. On the subject of thiamine forms there are three to come up to speed on: Benfotiamine, TTFD and Sulbutiamine. The vagus nerve and the brain have a critical need for thiamine so utilizing high absorption forms will provide needed recovery. Don't forget, the B vitamins work better together. Key to thiamine is magnesium needed for it's activation. Stress, pain and others cause loss of magnesium hampering many processes. Always consult your health care provider before using any supplement.
I think I still err on the side of "there's no such thing" but as more and more is getting out there it's getting harder and harder to think "am I the only one who doesn't believe this". I am on numerous IBS sites and and talk to many strangers but have not come across anyone who has been "cured" as such. The person who seems to have had the best results is b1b1b1 from this site. You could talk to her about it. She is from the States and as you know, it is big out there. I spoke to a naturopath recently here in the UK and I'm considering having a session or two with her. She seems to think the same as me that SIBO doesn't exist.
What do you think yourself?!
I have sent you a private message on Chat.