I recently took a sibo breath test and my test results are a bit confusing. It showed a steep Hydrogen rise but only in the 3rd hour. Usually symptoms show earlier but I might have slow motility. Does anyone have a better understanding?
Sibo or not: I recently took a sibo breath test... - IBS Network
Sibo or not

Here is a full explanation of how the test works and what the results mean.
It discusses that transit time differs with patients. Didn't your doctor discuss this with you?
Thanks for the info. I figured this and just wanted a second opinion. I’m handling this situation on my own with no doctor because I saw several GI’s ( spent a ton of money) and no one helped or suggested this test.
Hi gabevswrld,
I think this is almost impossible to do on your own. I know it’s all very expensive (I recently had to buy 2 weeks of Rifaximin & then the probiotics to follow). Which HBT did you do? Mine was glucose, I don’t have a copy of the graph but I remember the nurse saying my reading started at 80 which is very high and obviously went much higher as the test went on. I go back to my doctor mid January, I wonder if they do another HBT to see if the levels have changed?
I took the lactulose 3 hour breath test. I’m not really doing it on my own In a way. I am following the sibo soloution book by Sylvie Mcracken. It’s more of an herbal antibiotic approach. It is still crazy expensive and it also includes going on an elemental diet for sometime to really attack the overgrowth. All the GI doctors I went to really didn’t care enough to help and are so busy that they can’t put the time in to figure out what was wrong. I saw a functional doctor who helped guide me a bit but I actually figured out it was Sibo using online research and I paid for my own test. Keep me updated with your situation... Are you feeling better already ? If this approach doesn’t work I obviously will find a GI doc who can prescribe me the antibiotics. BTW what was the cost ?
Initially I was feeling better but the last couple of days not so good. No mention of changing diet at the last appointment so I will ask again about that as I believe I have some sort of intolerance as I get skin problems at the same time as the “IBS/SIBO” issues. I’ve been unwell for 5 years so am fed up with it now. I have very little dairy which helps but I think there is more to it. Need to sort the cause not just the symptoms! Are you in the UK? The Rifaximin was just over £200 for 14 day supply (6 tablets per day). No side affects from them & easy to take. Hope that helps.
Would you mind letting me know where you bought your Rifaxamin? I have SIBO and have tried low fodmap, probiotics and many different herbal antibiotics with no success. I’d like to try Rifaxamin but have no idea where to get it!
Hi Ellie123124,
Private prescription from my consultant. It was actually cheaper to get it from my local chemist than from the hospital pharmacy. Good luck.
Thanks for your reply. So far I’ve seen 2 consultants and a dietician who won’t even consider the possibility of SIBO as a diagnosis. I’ve looked into finding a private doctor in my area (Essex) who does recognise SIBO but as yet have failed to locate one. I’m thinking I’ll have to look at US or Canadian websites to source Rifaxamin. You’re fortunate to have a consultant who listens to you!
That seems unreasonable. I know I’m lucky having private healthcare but I was in fact sent to the big NHS hospital for the test as the BMI Healthcare hospital doesn’t have the equipment. I used the Nuclear Medicine Dept. There is a BMI hospital in Southend so it might be worth contacting them (I don’t have any medical qualifications nor am I employed at any hospital!). Might be worth a try? x
Thanks. I have private medical insurance too but the 2 gastroenterologists I saw at Colchester and Brentwood wouldn’t contemplate SIBO as a cause of my problem! I’ll definitely look into Southend. Good luck with everything and thanks for your suggestions.
PS: I’ve also started having skin problems which started at the same time as my stomach problems. A pharmacist I know thought I could have raised histamine levels related to the bacteria in my stomach. I know some foods and probiotics are histamine producing so it might be worth looking into that.
That is so weird, so have I! I mentioned it to my consultant last time but he didn’t really answer. I’ve been looking into histamine but to be honest it’s all a bit beyond me. I will definitely ask him again now that you’ve said that. Let me know if you get anywhere with it. You are welcome to send me a private message if necessary. Good luck.
Bearing in mind that author has no medical qualifications at all, you should at least advise your primary doctor before you do too extreme of a diet. But you don't need a rocket scientist to know that FODMAP will reduce any bacteria in your upper intestine. Your test doesn't prove you have SIBO. But a high protein, low carb diet can't hurt you in the short term. Not sure you need to be spending a fortune on it. Don't fall for fad "organics" or "superfoods". Just eat lean meats and low fermentable sugars everything else.
Thanks for the advice. I currently don't have a primary doc or health insurance but I will run it by my function doc. I have been already eating High Protein/Low Carb and it has helped me a ton. I have been sick for about 2 years and so far only my functional doctor has really helped me. I don't think I will be going to extreme on the diet. A mixture of intermittent fasting and Low Fodmaps for a while to get my stomach balanced out and to allow some healing to take place. This is the closest i've been to feeling 100 percent in a long time and I think one final push will get me to the promise land... I just need to lay off the sugar!!!! so tough to do.
Just to update the thread. I am on day 6 of the protocol and I have noticed a drastic difference in symptoms. I feel way less bloating and overall stomach pains. I haven't had any reflux (which was my initial symptom two years ago). My constipation/motility has seen the most drastic change so far. My digestive system seems to be working. I have another 2 weeks to go and I will update the thread when I am done. I just need to clean up my eating again because since I have been feeling better my body is starving for food/nutrition and I have been eating every and anything.