Hi, its the first time I have been on here. I have suffered with IBS-C for a few years it comes and go's. Since February I have been quite ill with it, so much so, I asked my GP for a FIT test which has come back positive. I am now on a 2ww cancer pathway to find out what is going on. I sometimes have bright red blood, constant dull ache in my stomach, pain in my hip, eye and knuckle, never feel like my bowel is completely emptied. I am now on Laxido which worked the after the first two drinks but has stopped working now. I feel worried and just want this pain to stop. The only other thing my GP said is to have lactose free milk. Any advice would be appreciated.
IBS Suffering: Hi, its the first time I have... - IBS Network
IBS Suffering

Hi Nicky I’ve been suffering the same as you . I have constant dull ache right side of belly button and severe constipation which I’ve been free from by using laxido 1 a day and optifibre made by nestle 1 scoop a day , the other things that have helped are eating low fibre diet and drinking plenty of warm water an also taking b12 ,as deficiency can cause bowel issues . The bright red bleeding is prob from piles or a fissure , dark red blood comes from higher up . I’ve had ct scan and ultrasound and full bloods all came back normal x
Sorry you are going through this and of course the natural anxiety makes everything worse. You might need to go further than just the lactose free milk and look at a low fodmap diet - the good news is that this will help reduce the fermenting foods in your gut and you will feel a lot better. If you do have something else going on then the diet will help with inflammation - you might need to also reduce your sugar intake - I had to cut it out almost completely. Help the C with a soluble fibre/prebiotic like psyllium husk twice a day in a glass of water or highly diluted juice and this will also feed the good bacteria. Replace the 'bad' bacteria with some good ones by using a succession of good probiotics - Zenflore, Biokult are good and there are many others which will vary the strains. You can also take a probiotic drink like yakult or kefir if you can tolerate a little bit of dairy or get the coconut/almond milk version. There are options to manage the bacterial overgrowth but some of them have nasty side effects so be wary as they aren't a magic pill - the more natural ones like oregano oil are safer.
Thank you so much. The laxido is not working now and I am back to work so worried about taking it. I keep getting the feeling to go and then nothing. The constant stomach ache is getting me down. Do you think I should try low formal now or just carry on. I will hopefully get my appt soon. Do you know what a positive FIT test can mean?
I get the urge to go but nothing happens also !! I would persevere with the laxido you have to take it every day to work I take mine early evening , or you could try magnesium citrate before bed with a drink of water . I don’t know about the fit test never been offered one but I wouldn’t worry about bleeding if it’s bright red it’s usually from the bottom area x
Low fodmap won't work on its own but the psyllium husk helped me a lot and almost immediately. Don't get the expensive one in a tub (I think it is called Lepicol now) just get a bag of ground psyllium husk from Amazon or the health food shop then it won't have inulin added which is unhelpful to most of us.