Hi. Diagnosed with IBS 18 months ago after a colonoscopy. In the middle of a flare up at the minute. Finding anything I eat or drink goes straight through me. Intermittent cramping. On mebeverine. Also suffering with bouts of trapped wind( pain under rib cage on left hand side). Has any one else experienced this? Any suggestions as to how to treat this symptom.
Pain during flare up: Hi. Diagnosed with IBS 1... - IBS Network
Pain during flare up
Try the FODMAP diet. This diet helps a lot of people.
Thank you I’m prepared to try anything. Is there a place where I could download a diet sheet from.
I too was diagnosed with it 4 yrs ago after a really bad bout of food poisoning or GI-induced IBS. I believe I have the alternating subtype (constipation & diarrhea sometimes in the same day). But there have been days where I have exactly the same symptoms you described. I have had lots of tests too including colonoscopy, gastroscopy (top-down), xray, ultrasound, blood test, parasite test, h.pylori breath test, lactose test.
My advice:
1. For the wind & cramps: peppermint tea as strong as you can make it and drink it warm, at the pharmacy they have peppermint oil pills (I get the capsules, brand is "IBgard" in the green box), and a heat pack like the microwaveable beans or blue gel one. Wrap a thin fabric but don't place it directly against your skin.
2. Get a lactose test to rule that out or avoid milk, cream, soft cheeses especially. The IBS caused newfound lactose intolerance in me, when before I used to be able to chug 2 cold glasses of milk on an empty stomache. So make sure you rule this one out, especially if things are "going straight through you." My gastroenterologist doctor pointed this one out.
3. Google Low FODMAP diet (there also downloadable apps you can get on your phone to quickly look up the levels in any food item).
4. Get a Registered Dietician to help you go through the process of an elimination diet to identify your triggers and acceptable tolerance limits to certain foods. No two people with IBS necessarily have the same food intolerances. You may need to keep a food diary for a few weeks as a tool to help you figure it out. My worst offenders are garlic, lactose & cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower.
Good luck & feel better!
Thank you , its reassuring to know others have the same issues as me. It’s really worrying when you not only have the stomach problems but rib/chest pain as well. Am going to take advice about my diet. Really struggling at the minute. Unable to work. Fingers crossed it will ease soon.
Can I ask where you rib pain is? Mine is usually on the right rib cage front and side sometimes back right.
Mine is mostly on the left. Front and back. So uncomfortable. Not really found anything that takes the pain away. Have been drinking warm water as someone suggested that. Not really found anything that relieves it fully. It’s horrible, not being comfortable when you sit or stand. Hopefully it will pass for us both. Good luck.
I eat low fibre foods for a day or two and that helps it pass. My trigger is caffeine and if i eat too much fatty or fibrous food in one sitting.
Wow this is exactly my symptoms at the moment ... left rib pain stomach sore & inflamed now due to all the cramping etc ... I can go months at a time no issues . I’ve found mine is definitely stress triggered also hormonal ... see if this maybe you ? I’ve yet to pin foods down except eggs & onions. Which only irritates my bowel if I’m stressed . I also take mebeverine . Think it’s time for low fodmap or dietician for both of us .
Hi. If you haven't already then use peppermint oil in addition to the mebeverine. This helped me hugely with the pain/cramping. Mebeverine on its own made no real difference. It is all trial and error and different for us all but it certainly helped me. I tried low fodmap for about 6 months and it helped a little but not significantly enough to keep to it strictlly but I definitely have triggers so avoid them, especially if I need to be out and about anytime soon. Good luck, it is a right pain isn't it.
Try The Fodmap diet as others have suggested but before you do I would suggest a bland diet for a couple of weeks. Don't have dairy in any form. You may have become intolerant to it and this is what may be causing all your problems. Dont eat fruit or tomatoes for 2 weeks either. When it comes to veg to keep it simple just have carrots well cooked, a little spinach if you can tolerate it and potatoes to go with your meat or fish. No salad, cheese, garlic, onions, mushrooms, porridge, breakfast cereals, pasta, fizzy drinks or alcohol just for 2 weeks to let your bowel rest. And be careful of pro or prebiotics as they can be milk based.Replace dairy with soy drinks, tea instead of fizzy drinks or still drinks and perhaps eggs for breakfast. I eat farleys baby rusks for breakfast. Hope this helps.
Thank you. I will definitely give this a try.
Peppermint tea for gas and cramps. Also, invest in a really good hot bean bag for when youre cramping. Try avoid anything high fibre when youve got the runs. Go for a food allergy test. I found out i was allergic to wheat