Hello, I just want to know if having IBS makes you loose weight or just the health anxiety that comes with it?
IBS and weight loss : Hello, I just want to know... - IBS Network
IBS and weight loss

I've lost a lot of weight since 2018, I think between 10-15 kg, but at the moment not losing anymore weight, it's stable around 61kg. I think in my case it's more related with the IBS than anxiety. But it seems that many IBS-sufferers are anxious too. There is a link between a 'bad' gut and neurological symptoms. So hopefully by treating the IBS by means of antibiotics and thus creating a symbiosis in the gut bacteria my brain and the rest of my body also will heal.
I have had IBS for 35 years and my weight has fluctuated over the years. I have never been what you would call fat. But I have had a few times when I have lost too much weight. Last year was an example. For me it's because I am scared to eat or because I just can't stomach the thought of putting food into my mouth, or I have to spit it out because I can't swallow it. And on occasions it has been due to vomiting. So I would say it's the IBS itself that causes the problem, not anxiety. But it obviously makes you anxious when you keep losing weight.
Oh Maureen, isn't this an absolute unbeatable and cruel complaint. We seem to have many similar sy,mptoms. I send you and others like us, my warmest wishes. Feeling fragile now after 3 years.
Yes, I have lost weight and that is part anxiety, part IBS d and part the pain of Endometriosis, the latter now past due to the menopause. I am stable but still underweight but have accepted it
I did not lose weight with IBS, but after a recent stomach virus, I was diagnosed with SIBO. The SIBO caused many more GI problems than IBS, although at least SIBO is treatable. I did lose 10 pounds at the beginning of it, but now my weight is at least stable. I was told to have peanut butter and toast snacks near bedtime. Peanut butter has a lot of calories but does not aggravate either SIBO or IBS.
If you get a lot of epsides of D yes it can especially if you aren't eating much. It's had that effect on me before.
I've also lost weight, 13 kg over 2 years, in my case I'm scared of eating as I'm still finding difficult to find what agrees with my stomach and what it doesn't. So I think it's a mix of IBS and anxiety.
Depends what you mean by health anxiety? If you have IBS and follow the FOD map diet you can lose weight as you are not eating a lot of fats and the food range is restrictive. This has happened to me. I do not think I am overly anxious but can get anxious visiting Dr's etc. I worry about my low weight which I lost from flares and have had to eat only rice for weeks till my gut settled. I am trying to put it back on now by having some plant based protein. Just having this condition can make you anxious as you never know when you will get pain and need a loo.